SA Exemption Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Certificate #
The tax exemption certificate number for this customer. Grant exemption from taxes on orders only after you have received this number from the customer. This number prints on the SA Government Exemption Table Report, which is used to keep track of exemption certificates that have expired.
- Comment
User-defined field stored with the exemption record. Any comment you enter is included in the information of the SA Government Exemption Table Report.
- Customer
If the exemption record applies to one customer, specify the customer. If the exemption record is for a product or product line and applies to all customers in a specific state, leave this field blank.
- Expiration Date
The date the tax exemption certificate expires. This date is not checked by the system when an order is entered or invoices in Sales Order Entry, but the date is printed on the SA Government Exemption Table Report.
- Ship To
Specify a shipto if your customer has various shiptos, some taxable and others nontaxable. You can either use the Ship To field or the State field to divide a customer record between taxable and non-taxable.
- Tax Exempt Type
The tax exempt type is used to tie a specific product or product line. Individual Product Warehouse Product Setup records use the tax exempt type to indicate the tax status of the product for this customer.
When taxing exemption addons for variably-taxed or regularly-taxed customers, the addon is not taxed if this field is blank.
This value is included in the file dump of the SA Government Exemption Table Report.
Note: The tax exemption status for a product or product line for all customers is not established here. Setting a product up as non-taxable for all customers’ orders is accomplished by setting the taxable type in Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Line Setup. - Taxing State
If the exemption record applies to a state, specify the two-character state abbreviation. If this exemption record applies to all states, leave this field blank.