VA Product Defaults Maintenance - Sections - Extended field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order by section.
Shipping Details
- Destination Type
- Select the destination type for inspection or processing components. Changing the destination type changes the available fields so that you can provide information for the selected destination type.
- External Vendor #
- Specify the number of the external service vendor that you are shipping
components to for processing. The vendor must be set up in Vendor Setup.If you first
created an Inventory Component (IN) section with a Vendor
Destination Type, the value in this field
defaults from the IN section.
If you first created an External Process (EX) section, the value in this field defaults from the previous EX section.
- Inspection Warehouse
- Specify the warehouse where the inspection is performed.
- Internal Processing Warehouse
- Specify the internal fabrication warehouse that components are sent to for processing.
- Or Warehouse
- If you are shipping inventory components to another internal fabrication warehouse, specify that warehouse in this field.
- Ship From / Or Warehouse
- Specify the destination vendor’s ship from, if applicable.
- Ship To Vendor #
- Specify the number for the ship to vendor for the inventory component.
- Vendor
- This field is displayed when Vendor is selected in the Destination Type field. Specify destination vendor number if the fabrication is sent to a service provider for processing or inspection.
- Warehouse
- This field is displays when Warehouse is selected in the Destination Type field. Specify the destination warehouse if the fabrication is sent to awarehouse for processing or inspection.
Extended Shipping Details
- Address
- Specifiy the address.
- City
- Specify the city for the address.
- Disposition
- Select the disposition.
- From Name / Address
- Displays the name and address of the external vendor or the inspection or processing warehouse in the Shipping Details section of this window.
- Instructions
- Specify the shipping instructions for the components.
- Intermediate / Final Product
- The field label that appears depends upon the Destination Type for the section. If it is a Vendor or Warehouse type, the intermediate product number and description is displayed. If it is a Final Step type, the final product number and descriptions is displayed.
- Reference
- Specify any reference notes.
- Route/Day/Stop
- When pick tickets are printed, you can print them in delivery route, day, or stop order to most efficiently load your delivery truck. The route, day, stop you specify here defaults in VA Order Entry or Sales Order Entry.
- Ship Via
- Specify the shipping method used for the product. Ship Via codes are set up in SA Table Value Setup.
- Staging Area
- The staging area holds partial orders until the order can be filled and the entire order can be shipped together. You can specify an area in the warehouse to stage (hold) components when the entire order is not ready to ship.
- State
- Specify the state for the shipping address.
- To Name / Address
- Displays the name and address of the destination vendor or warehouse for inspection and processing specified in the Shipping Details section of this window.
- Zip Code
- Specify the zip or postal code for the shipping address.