Sales Order Entry - Initiate field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Address Override

You must have cleared the Hidden option for the Ship To Address with personalization. The Address Override setting is displayed for information only. The Address Override setting is part of the Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested third-party address. Third-party address is available with AvaTax and Vertex Cloud. This override makes the tax calculation with a General Delivery address to avoid an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.


The approval status of the order is displayed in this field. If the value is something other than y, the order is on hold and cannot be further processed until the hold(s) is removed.

The Approval field functions differently depending on whether you use legacy hold codes or operational hold codes. Your ability to process hold codes depends on your operator security. If you use legacy hold codes, the value in this field can be y or a valid hold code. If you use operational hold codes, the value in this field is either y or n. You cannot edit this field directly. Operational hold codes are released on the Operational Hold Code Approval page, which is accessed by clicking the right arrow if present. The value in this field changes to y after the last operational hold code is released.

Except for Corrections (CR) orders, the default value in this field is based on the Default Order Approval Type field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. The approval type for CRs is y, for yes.

If the approval type for an order is changed, the change also applies to the tied Value Add (VA) order. If the order is on credit hold because line item were added, VA orders tied to existing lines also go on hold, if the original approval types on both orders match.

Orders in Stages 1-3 that are not yet invoiced are included in the job-to-date total sales during credit checking. This total is checked against the preliminary lien amount to ensure the job credit limit is not exceeded.

If one of these conditions occur, the order is automatically placed on hold, even if the default approval type is y. A warning is displayed but you can finish the order.

  • The customer over their credit limit.
  • The current date is past the customer's Open Date.
  • The current date is before the customer's Hold Date.
  • A period balance exists in hold period.

If you approve an order, the sales order is validated against Product Restrictions Setup records to prevent restricted products from being sold to an unauthorized customer. Unless a restricted product on a sales order line is already overridden or sent to lost business, each line is validated against the restriction records to determine if the products can be sold to the customer. The ship to address and the requested ship date are also validated. If a product restriction applies to the order, an error message is displayed. Restricted product errors must be addressed if you want to finish the approved order. If you do not want to address the errors, you can suspend the order or place it on hold.

Central Distribution Center

If this is a central distribution center (CDC) order, the status or stage is displayed in this field. If you are creating this order, this is defaulted as Assigned. A CDC order is created when you enter a Stock Order (SO) under these conditions:

  • You have selected Use Sales Warehouse and Allow Central Distribution Center (CDC) in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order-Entry Settings.
  • You have selected Use Central Distribution Center (CDC) for this customer or ship to in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup and assigned a home (sales) warehouse.
  • A CDC warehouse is assigned to the sales warehouse in Product Warehouse Description Setup.

If the order does not qualify as a CDC order, Not Set is displayed in this field and cannot be changed.

To override the status on a CDC order, select Not Set in the drop-down. This may be necessary if you know you have the stock in the sales warehouse and do not want it sourced from the CDC warehouse. The product is shipped from the sales warehouse.

After a CDC order is shipped from the CDC warehouse to a branch warehouse, the CDC Status is updated to reflect one of these stages as the order is processed:

  • Transfer Route
  • Received in Route
  • Shipped to Customer

Specify the customer for this order. The customer must have an active record in Customer Setup. You cannot change customer number when you maintain the order. If you do not know the customer number, specify a portion of the name to activate the auto lookup function.

Customer PO #

The customer's purchase order number. The value is included on all pick tickets, acknowledgments, and invoices.

If Require Purchase Order # is selected on the customer record, the customer PO number is required.

The Duplicate Customer PO's setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings determines if you can use duplicate PO numbers. If Allow is selected, you can enter a duplication customer PO number. If Allow with Warning is selected, a list of sales orders with the duplicate customer PO is displayed. You click Yes to continue.

If No is selected, this message is displayed when you try to enter, maintain, or copy an order: Customer PO# Already Exists (5682). You must specify a new purchase order number to continue.

Validation of the customer PO does not occur for Return Merchandise (RM) or Correction (CR) type orders.

If you are using the integration with Infor Service Management, a value may be displayed in Customer PO #. For example, if a Service Management customer purchase order number is added to the service order, that value is sent in the Sync.ServiceOrder BOD to Distribution SX.e and is displayed in this field. This value is informational only.

Default Contract #
The contract ID that is defined on the Pricing Setup screen for the specified customer. The search result on the Default Contract look up screen displays:
  • Contracts for which the manual rebate is of the type, Vendor on Sale.
  • Contracts that are not expired.
  • Contracts of orders for the selected customer and warehouse.

If only one contract is displayed based on the selection criteria, the manual rebate contract is automatically selected and a message stating the same is displayed. If multiple contracts are displayed, a message stating the same is displayed and you must select the required contract. When you select the contract, the corresponding product line details are populated for the order. The selected contract is applicable only for the order header.

The search results on the Default Contract look up screen are based on:
  • The selection of Rebate By Contract Line Number check box on the AO Options - Products - Rebate screen.
  • The end date specified for the contract on the Pricing Setup screen.
You can view the default contract data in:
  • The General section of the Header tab on the Order Inquiry screen.
  • The Order Entry Master List Report.

You must use Personalization to add the Default Contract # field.

This field is enabled only if you specify the Customer.

You cannot change the contract after the order is created.

International Approval

Specify Yes in the International Approval field. You must use the Personalization to add the International Approval field to the user interface.

Order #

In Add mode, the Order # field displays only when Add/Enter Order # is selected in the Order Mode field on the Sales Order Entry-Order Entry Defaults window. Use this field to specify the order number. If you leave this field blank, an order number is assigned automatically.

In Maintain mode, specify the number of the order you want to maintain.

Order Type

Specify the type of order.The order types available to an operator are set in SA Operator Setup - Entry Options in the Limit Order Type field. The order type that is specified in the Order Entry Defaults window is the default value for this field.

These are the available order types:

Order Type Description
Blanket Order An order that represents a contract to supply a quantity of products. The products can be shipped on different dates or to different locations over a specified period of time.
Correction An order that increases or decreases the customer's balances to correct overpayments or underpayments. No other updates are performed, and inventory is not affected.
Counter Sale* A stock order that is taken in a counter sales environment where you have direct contact with your customers. Stock is committed when the order is entered.
Direct Order An order that is shipped directly from your supplier to your customer. The items do not enter your inventory system.
Future Order An order with a future delivery date. The conversion date is based on the requested ship date.
Manufacturer Rep Order A type of Direct Order that is created to record the commissions paid by a manufacturer vendor for product the vendor sold and shipped directly to your customer. This order is only to record the sale and commission earned by you as the vendor’s manufacturer representative.
Quotes An order that provides formal verification to your prospect of any verbal agreement you may have discussed.
Return Merchandise An order to return merchandise. The customer record and inventory are updated.
Stock Order* An order that is usually transacted by phone or fax. Stock is reserved upon entry and the customer record is updated.
Standing Order An order that provides the same merchandise to a customer on a recurring basis. The Standing Order creates a new Stock Order or Direct Order each time the requested ship date criteria are satisfied.
Fulfillment Order A type of blanket order through which one or more stock orders are created for each line item. The stock orders are tied to the original fulfillment order. The warehouse and line items on each stock order is determined by fulfillment rules, warehouse lists, and warehouse selections.

* The labels for the Stock Order and Counter Sale in the Order Type field can be modified in SA Table Code Value Setup-Order Type Display. The text that is specified on the SA Table Code Value Setup records replaces Counter Sale and Stock Order in all instances in the application.

Origin Code

This value is used to identify the origin of a sales order. Order origin codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. If an origin code record contains a Background Function value, the origin code is the default value for that type of order. When you enter a counter sale order manually, the default origin code does not automatically display in the field. The code is applied to the order later in the workflow.

You can set up records for these background functions:

  • Orders that were created by a background process, such as EDI, SX.API, or Distribution Storefront
  • Counter sales or receive on account (ROA) orders

If an origin code is not set up for a background function, the default origin code in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order is used as the default value.

Note: The origin code for fulfillment orders is only included on the tied fulfillment orders.

Unless the origin code records prevents editing, you can override the origin code if Yes is selected for Allow Change of Order Origin Code on your operator record.

This field is required if Require Order Origin Code in SA Administrator Options is selected.

If an origin code record is not associated with a background function, you must specify the origin code on the order.

Original Promise Date

The Original Promise Date defaults on the order header and line exactly as the Promise Date. Both are based on these settings:

  • Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings
  • End of Day Cutoff and weekend ship days in Product Warehouse Product Setup

The Allow Override of Original Promise Date setting on your SA Operator Setup-OE Entry Options record determines whether you can change the Original Promise Date on a sales order header or line in maintenance mode. If Yes is selected, you can change the Original Promise Date when the order is accessed in Maintenance mode.

When the Original Promise Date is changed, the Promise Date is updated to match it. If the Original Promise Date on a line is changed, the Promise Date for that line only is updated.

If No is selected for the Allow Override of Original Promise Date setting, you can only change the Original Promise Date field when the order is first created.

If the order has a disposition of Just In Time (JIT), any change to the line's Original Promise Date is applied to the Promise Date on the line and the Promise Date and Original Promise Date on the order header. If the Original Promise Date is changed on the header, this message is displayed:
Flush Required Ship, Promised, And Orig Promised Dates
You can then apply the date change to All Lines, Lines Equal to Original, or None.

The Promise Date, not the Original Promise Date, determines when a pick ticket prints and the order is shipped.

This field must be added to the UI through Personalization.

Require Invoice Verification

This field is displayed when Use Invoice Verification is enabled in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing. Invoice processing is prevented for any sales order where the Require Invoice Verification field is set to Yes. A Yes value indicates that an operator must review the invoice and change the field to No before the sales order can be invoiced. Care should be taken when selecting Yes, as a delayed invoice results in delayed payment to you. The default value for this field is No.

This field cannot be updated by any external BODs or API programs that create or modify sales orders.

Sales Warehouse

Specify the warehouse that is the originator of the sale. This value cannot match the value in the Warehouse field. This field is available only if the Sales Warehouse feature is activated. It is defaulted from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record.

Ship To
The customer ship to for this order. If you specify a ship to, it must exist for the customer and it cannot have a closed date. If a ship to is specified, all applicable information from the Customer Ship To Setup record is loaded into the order header. If you enter a ship to that is inactive or the closed date is set, this message is displayed:
Order Not Allowed, Ship To is Inactive or Job is Closed (5966)

Ship tos are not required, unless Require Ship To is selected on a customer record. If a ship to is specified on a customer record, it is the default ship to on sales order, even if a ship to is not required. You can override the default ship to.

Any ship tos that are created in the Job Management module can be used for orders that are created outside of Job Management. You cannot enter orders for ship to records that are restricted or have a Job Close Date.

Ship Via
The form of transportation to use to ship the order. The default value is from the customer or ship to record, but you can override it. If you interface with a 3rd party shipping application or TWL, this value is required.

Alternate Ship Via

When you set up and use Alternate Ship Via functionality, and in case you specify an invalid ship via in an order, a shorter and more refined list of ship via to use is displayed in the Sales Order Entry screen, based on the warehouse and shipping zip code of the order. By default, the alternate ship via functionality is not enabled. Select Use Alternate Ship Via option in the SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings screen to enable this functionality.

When you use Alternate Ship Via functionality, by default, the ship via that you specify in the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup screens is displayed.

If both Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup screens have ship via values, then the ship via in the Customer Ship To Setup screen takes precedence.

If the Enable Alternate Ship Via option in the Product Warehouse Description Setup screen is selected for the warehouse of the order, then the Ship Via field in the Sales Order Entry screen is mandatory and cannot be blank.

If the Ship Via Locked option is selected in the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup screens, then the Ship Via field is disabled, and you cannot select a different ship via. The alternate ship via list is also not available. Existing orders that have a ship via which is different from one that is currently locked, retain the original value and the ship via is not changed to a currently locked ship via value.

If you specify a blank ship via or a ship via which fails validation, then the alternate ship via list is displayed. You must select from the list. Optionally, you can use the Ellipse button adjacent to the Ship Via field to view the alternate ship via list.

When the alternate ship via list is displayed, the ship via in the list may vary. Ship via in the list are displayed based on the current value in the Ship Via field. Each ship via in the field prompts its other alternatives to be displayed in the list. Therefore, different alternatives are displayed for different ship via in the field. For example, if you enter ABC ship via, the alternatives for ABC are displayed, but a ship via of XYZ displays alternatives for XYZ.

If the Enable Alternate Ship Via option in the Product Warehouse Description Setup screen is selected for the warehouse of the order, and you change the order’s shipping zip code, then the ship via is validated. If that ship via is not locked in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup, and the ship via is no longer deemed valid because of the changed zip code, then alternate ship via list is presented. You must select the ship via from the displayed list.

Taken By

Specify the initials of the user to be credited with taking order.

The initials specified in this field are validated if the Validate Taken By in OE field is set to Yes.

When validating for a counter sale, you can specify the initials of an operator created in SA Operator Setup or a salesrep created in Sales Rep Setup. If you leave this field blank and click Next to continue, the sales rep assigned to the customer in Customer Setup is assigned to the order. You can view it in the Order Taken By field on theSales Order Entry - Customer Order Settings window.

When validating for a stock order, you must specify the initials of an operator ID created in SA Operator Setup. If you leave this field blank and click Next to continue, your operator ID is assigned to the order. You can view it in the Order Taken ID field on the Sales Order Entry - Customer Order Settings window.

You cannot specify a value in this field if the Limit Order Scope Taken By field is set to Yes in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options.

Unlink DO Ties

This option is available for Direct Order order types only. The option, Allow Unlink of DO Ties, in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options controls your access to this field when you create a DO order.

Select this option to enable unlinking the tie(s) between the DO order lines and the DO PO that is created. This option can only be selected when you create the DO. When you finish the order, a warning message is displayed stating that ties exist for the order. You can select Unlink DO Ties from the More (…) menu. The DO POs that are tied to the order are displayed and can be selected for unlinking on the Unlink DO Ties window. The entire DO PO is unlinked when it is selected. You cannot unlink specific lines on the PO.

Use this option to unlink the tie between the DO order lines and their associated DO PO so that each can be managed separately. This unlinking allows you to maintain the DO and DO PO independently and in a different order than you would for standard processing. For example, you may invoice the DO before the DO PO is received from the vendor to receive full or partial payment of the DO from your customer prior to the product being shipped.


The terms for this order. Terms include this information:

  • The method of payment that you accept
  • The length of time before an invoice is due
  • Cash discounts for payment by the designated date

Specify the warehouse for the order.

We recommend that you have a default warehouse for operators and customers. An order is assigned a default warehouse if a warehouse has been specified on one of these records:

  • Customer Setup
  • Customer Ship To Setup
  • SA Operator Setup: Yes must be specified in the Restrict to Home Warehouse/Group field.

Typically, the line items on the order are from this warehouse. Stock from other warehouses is not available for orders unless one of these conditions are met:

  • This warehouse is assigned to a Central Distribution Center warehouse
  • Another warehouse has surplus stock
  • You have the authority to take stock from other warehouses
  • You are creating a fulfillment order