SA Administrator Re-Encryption Report ranges and options
This report does not include ranges.
- I)nit, R)e-Encrypt, S)tatus
Select one:
Select Initialize to reset the current encryption of your credit card data with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS)-compliant encryption method. It encrypts credit card numbers, addresses, ZIP codes, states and card expiration dates anywhere these values are stored in the database. Initialization to encrypt the data for the first time must complete successfully. Otherwise, operators cannot tender sales orders using credit cards. If the initial encryption successfully completes, the message "All Records Initialized" is displayed on the report.
If you are not sure whether your credit card data was encrypted previously, run this report with this option set to Initialize. If data has already been encrypted, this message prints on the report: "Initialization Has Already Been Completed - No Changes Made". If the initial encryption did not complete, when you run it again, this message prints: "Initialization Failed to Complete Previously, Continuing with Initialization".
Select Re-Encrypt to run the report to reset a new encryption code with the PCI DSS-compliant encryption method. PCI DSS Compliance requires that you run the re-encryption of the encryption codes at annually to safeguard against credit card data theft. If there is a breach of your system, you can run this at any point a breach as been found. You cannot re-encrypt if you have never performed the initialization of the PCI DSS encryption method. If you select Re-Encrypt and the data was encrypted using the older encryption method, this message prints: "New Encryption Not Created; Need to Perform Initialization First".
Back up your database before initialization or re-encryption. Because this report must review all data in the database, this function should be performed after regular business hours.
Retain the default, Status, to print a status of the last encryption, or to determine if the initial encryption has been performed. No updating occurs.