Supported tables for Data Lake

This topic describes the Distribution SX.e database tables that can be extracted for the Infor Data Lake when you run the SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst using the Extract Type of DataLake.

You can run the SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst to extract all tables by selecting All for the Tables to Extract option. To run the report for one or multiple tables, specify each table name, separated by commas.

These tables are all supported in the Infor Data Lake:

activities edsv kpsk rtmst
addon email-links kpso sabs
aodata empmst mmextract sals
apeba equatecart notes sasb
apebc event_trans oeeh sasc
apei event_trans_sub oeeha sasgt
apeia gdprctrl oeehc sasj
apeid gleb oeehch sasoo
apeig glee oeehextra sasos
apemm glet oeehp sasta
apet gletv oeehta sastaz
apeta glsa oeel sastc
apsf glsb oeelextra sastn
apsp icecndtl oeelk sastp
apss icecnhdr oeelm sled
apsv icecnserlot orddtl smsc
aret icenh order_type smseh
aretp icenl ordhdr smsep
arett icet ordhdr_status smsew
arsa iceti oteh smsn
arsc icetl oteph smsp
arsd icets otepl smss
arsde icsc otevh smsv
arsg icscn otevl smsvp
arsl icsd palletdet smsvw
arsp icsdp palletmst smsw
arspt icsec pdenh stgmst
arsrt icsef pdenl task
arss icseg pder task_emp
arst icseh pderv taxtable
authsecure icsei pdsc taxtabledtl
base icsel pdsf trans_type
bded icselc pdsm transactions
bdet icses pdsn vaeh
bdsc icset pdsr vaelo
bdsr icseu pdsra vaes
bdst icsl pdst vaesl
binmst icsou pdsv vendaddr
carrier icsp pdsvc venddetail
cartondtl icspc pick venmst
cartonmst icspcd poeh wave
ccrecover icspe poel webextension
cmsp icspr poela webmodification
com icsprt poelc webnote
contacts-methods icss poelo wh_zone
contacts-roles icsv poer whmst
contacts icsw poerah wmet
counthistory icswb poeral wmsb
crerr icswu prodcat wmsbp
cret inventory pv_pdsps wteh
crsb item pv_secure wtel
cycle_cnt jurtax pv_user wtelo
depmst kpet rsao wterah
edsbwc kpsg rt_type wteral
wleh wlet wlel wlem
wlelk wlels wlelsc rtdet
icsep kpskv lret pdsvcl
sasgm vasp vasps vaspsl
apeie oeix inv_adj

If you specify a value in the Days to Extract or Date Range options when you run the report, then the specified tables use the Transdttmz field in the extraction unless one of these scenarios occurs:

  • The selected tables are not subject to restriction by the Date Range field in the extraction.
  • The specified tables use specific date fields such as Invoice Date or Entered Date in the extraction.
Note: If the record does not have a Transdttmz field, then the Transdt or trans_date is used.

These tables are never restricted by the Date Range when extracted:

aodata glsa icseu kpsk
apss glsb icsl kpso
apsv icetl icsp pder
arsc icets icss pv_user
arss icsc icsw sasc
binmst icsd icswu sasoo
carrier icsel item sasta
empmst icses kpsg smsn

These tables use a specific date field in the extraction:

Table Date field
addon addon.transdt
apet apet.invdt
aret aret.invdt
arett arett.invdt
glet glet.postdt
icet icet.postdt
kpet kpet.enterdt
notes notes.transdt
oeeh oeeh.invoicedt and oeeh.enterdt
Note: Both Invoice Date and Enter Date are used when a Date Range is entered.
oeel oeel.invoicedt and oeel.enterdt
Note: Both Invoice Date and Enter Date are used when a Date Range is entered.
poeh poeh.enterdt
poel poel.enterdt
poelc poelc.costeddt
sasj sasj.postdt
wteh wteh.enterdt
wtel wtel.enterdt