Supported tables for Data Lake
This topic describes the Distribution SX.e database tables that can be extracted for the Infor Data Lake when you run the SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst using the Extract Type of DataLake.
You can run the SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst to extract all tables by selecting All for the Tables to Extract option. To run the report for one or multiple tables, specify each table name, separated by commas.
These tables are all supported in the Infor Data Lake:
activities | edsv | kpsk | rtmst |
addon | email-links | kpso | sabs |
aodata | empmst | mmextract | sals |
apeba | equatecart | notes | sasb |
apebc | event_trans | oeeh | sasc |
apei | event_trans_sub | oeeha | sasgt |
apeia | gdprctrl | oeehc | sasj |
apeid | gleb | oeehch | sasoo |
apeig | glee | oeehextra | sasos |
apemm | glet | oeehp | sasta |
apet | gletv | oeehta | sastaz |
apeta | glsa | oeel | sastc |
apsf | glsb | oeelextra | sastn |
apsp | icecndtl | oeelk | sastp |
apss | icecnhdr | oeelm | sled |
apsv | icecnserlot | orddtl | smsc |
aret | icenh | order_type | smseh |
aretp | icenl | ordhdr | smsep |
arett | icet | ordhdr_status | smsew |
arsa | iceti | oteh | smsn |
arsc | icetl | oteph | smsp |
arsd | icets | otepl | smss |
arsde | icsc | otevh | smsv |
arsg | icscn | otevl | smsvp |
arsl | icsd | palletdet | smsvw |
arsp | icsdp | palletmst | smsw |
arspt | icsec | pdenh | stgmst |
arsrt | icsef | pdenl | task |
arss | icseg | pder | task_emp |
arst | icseh | pderv | taxtable |
authsecure | icsei | pdsc | taxtabledtl |
base | icsel | pdsf | trans_type |
bded | icselc | pdsm | transactions |
bdet | icses | pdsn | vaeh |
bdsc | icset | pdsr | vaelo |
bdsr | icseu | pdsra | vaes |
bdst | icsl | pdst | vaesl |
binmst | icsou | pdsv | vendaddr |
carrier | icsp | pdsvc | venddetail |
cartondtl | icspc | pick | venmst |
cartonmst | icspcd | poeh | wave |
ccrecover | icspe | poel | webextension |
cmsp | icspr | poela | webmodification |
com | icsprt | poelc | webnote |
contacts-methods | icss | poelo | wh_zone |
contacts-roles | icsv | poer | whmst |
contacts | icsw | poerah | wmet |
counthistory | icswb | poeral | wmsb |
crerr | icswu | prodcat | wmsbp |
cret | inventory | pv_pdsps | wteh |
crsb | item | pv_secure | wtel |
cycle_cnt | jurtax | pv_user | wtelo |
depmst | kpet | rsao | wterah |
edsbwc | kpsg | rt_type | wteral |
wleh | wlet | wlel | wlem |
wlelk | wlels | wlelsc | rtdet |
icsep | kpskv | lret | pdsvcl |
sasgm | vasp | vasps | vaspsl |
apeie | oeix | inv_adj |
If you specify a value in the Days to Extract or Date Range options when you run the report, then the specified tables use the Transdttmz field in the extraction unless one of these scenarios occurs:
- The selected tables are not subject to restriction by the Date Range field in the extraction.
- The specified tables use specific date fields such as Invoice Date or Entered Date in the extraction.
These tables are never restricted by the Date Range when extracted:
aodata | glsa | icseu | kpsk |
apss | glsb | icsl | kpso |
apsv | icetl | icsp | pder |
arsc | icets | icss | pv_user |
arss | icsc | icsw | sasc |
binmst | icsd | icswu | sasoo |
carrier | icsel | item | sasta |
empmst | icses | kpsg | smsn |
These tables use a specific date field in the extraction:
Table | Date field |
addon | addon.transdt |
apet | apet.invdt |
aret | aret.invdt |
arett | arett.invdt |
glet | glet.postdt |
icet | icet.postdt |
kpet | kpet.enterdt |
notes | notes.transdt |
oeeh | oeeh.invoicedt and oeeh.enterdt Note: Both Invoice Date and
Enter Date are used when a Date Range is
oeel | oeel.invoicedt and oeel.enterdt Note: Both Invoice Date and
Enter Date are used when a Date Range is
poeh | poeh.enterdt |
poel | poel.enterdt |
poelc | poelc.costeddt |
sasj | sasj.postdt |
wteh | wteh.enterdt |
wtel | wtel.enterdt |