PI Entry Journal Print ranges and options


Operator Initials (blank for all)

Indicate if the journals should print for a specific operator. Leave blank to print for all operators.

Print Unprinted Journals Only?

Specify Yes to print all journals that have not yet been printed. After a journal is printed, the Printed option in the SA Journal Setup is set to Yes. To print all journals, printed previously or not, retain the default No. The PI Entry Journal Print must be printed to a printer, fax, or file. Otherwise, the SA Journal Setup Printed flag cannot be changed to Yes. If you print the journal to Video, the Printed flag remains No for this journal and is considered Unprinted.

Print Extended References?

This option is not functional at this time.

Print Detail Exceptions?

This option is not functional at this time.

Print G/L Distrib With Detail Lines?

This option is not functional at this time.

Totals Only?

To print the journal without including transaction detail lines, select Yes. Only the total debits and credits and a hash for each journal prints. Retain the default No to print all transaction detail lines and the totals information.