Product Nonstock/Direct Order Report ranges and options
- (A)ctive, (I)nactive, or (B)oth
Specify A to include active sets to balance inventory. A set is considered active when there is a cost or quantity balance.
Specify I to include inactive sets. Inactive sets do not have cost or quantity balances.
- Print for (N)on-Stock, (D)rop, (B)oth
Specify N to include nonstock inventory on the report.
Specify D to include drop ship, or direct order, inventory on the report.
Specify B to include both nonstocks and direct order inventory on the report. A total is included for each type of inventory.
- Print Detail
Select Yes to include detailed information on the report. Select No to print totals only.
- NS A)vl T)ied Z)ero B)oth Avl/Tied X)All
This option applies to nonstock products only because there is no quantity calculation for direct order lines. This option calculates tied quantity and total quantity and reflects the difference for open orders as the available quantity. It does not reflect any unavailable quantity on the nonstock records.
Specify A to include active nonstock products with quantities that are available to sell.
Specify T to include active nonstock product with quantities that are tied to orders.
Specify Z to include active nonstock products that have a zero quantity. Nonstock products with a zero quantity have a cost but no quantity. This can occur when adjustments should have closed out the set by zeroing out the values and the quantities.
Specify B to include active nonstock products with quantities that are available to sell and with quantities that are tied to orders. If either quantity is zero, it is excluded from the report.
Specify X to include all active and inactive nonstock products, regardless of the quantities.