Customer Ship To Setup - Ordering field descriptions

Field descriptions are presented in alphabetical order within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.

Order Entry





Order Entry

Allow Back Order

Select this option if this ship to accepts back orders. Back orders are created through Sales Order Entry, Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report, Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. You can override this option.

Do not select this option if the ship to does not accept back orders.

This option does not affect future products, which are determined based on the order promised date. Products are delayed based on the standard reservation rules regardless of this option. After the product is reserved and is no longer delayed, this option is used to determine whether back orders should be created for the product.

Allow Substitutes

Select this option if the customer accepts substitute products. This generally occurs if the regular product is out of stock or has been upgraded. Substitution occurs during Sales Order Entry, but you can change it.

Back Order Limit

Specify the number of back orders that can be created for the ship to per sales order. If the limit is reached, the disposition of the back order with the suffix that matches the limit is changed to Ship Complete. No additional back orders are created. For example, if the limit is 5, the disposition for back order number XXXXXX-05 is changed to Ship Complete.

A value between 0-98 is valid. If you specify 0, no limit is applied. When you create a new ship to record, the default value for this field is the back order limit for the associated customer record.

The back order limit that you specify for a ship to can be overridden on the Customer Order Settings page in Sales Order Entry.

Note: This field is available only if Allow Back Order is selected.
CenPOS Signature Requirements

Select from these requirements only if you have enabled the CenPOS device option to use one device to capture a receipt signature and a credit card signature. You can choose to always require a signature or to conditionally require a signature based on warehouse, customer, or order disposition.

  • Blank: Accept the default blank to indicate that a receipt signature is not required at this level. If all levels are set to blank, no signature is required for receipt of this order.
  • Always: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, all customers and order types require the capture of a receipt signature, unless overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Will Call-Account: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, a receipt signature capture is required for all customers, but only for orders a) with an order Disposition set to Will Call, b) that have not been paid in full, and c) that have not been overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Will Call-Always: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, a receipt signature capture is required for all customers, but only for orders a) with an order Disposition set to Will Call, and b) that have not been overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Optional: Select this setting to indicate that a receipt signature capture is not required unless overridden by higher level setting.
Customer Ship To

This field cross-references the <custJobNo> tag on an incoming XML document. If this field is blank, the information is validated based on the actual ship to in the header. This is used to identify the builder's job number and the supplier's ship to.

Default Warehouse

Specify a default warehouse if this ship to generally orders products that are contained in one warehouse. Ship tos can only order products from one warehouse at a time; an order cannot contain products from more than one warehouse. The default warehouse is automatically displayed on each order, but you can override.

If you leave this field blank, but enter a valid postal code in the ship to's address, the correct warehouse is defaulted from SA Tax Table Setup. You must set up the SA Tax Table Setup first.

If you fill sales orders from a central distribution center, specify the ship to’s home warehouse in this field. The warehouse you select must be set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup with the CDC warehouse assigned in the Central Distribution Center Warehouse field. When you create an order for this ship to in Sales Order Entry, the CDC warehouse is assigned as the Warehouse, and this home warehouse is defaulted in the Sales Warehouse field.

Select a disposition if this customer generally has orders shipped in the same manner. Disposition options include Ship Complete, Tag and Hold, Will Call, Just In Time, or blank. In Sales Order Entry, this value updates the Disposition field on the order's header, but you can override the value.

Ship Complete orders are held until all items in the order can be shipped together. This includes items that can be back ordered. After the order is complete, the order is shipped to the customer.

Tag and Hold orders are tagged and held in a staging area until the customer picks up the order or gives permission to ship. Will Call orders are orders that are picked up by the customer.

Line items on Just In Time orders are shipped and processed based on specific required ship dates and promised ship dates. This means each line item is treated as an entire order with its own due date.

Extended Shipping Instructions

Use this field to specify shipping instructions, such as “Ship UPS ground if over 10 lbs”, for packing and shipping clerks.

The extended shipping instructions specified here update the corresponding field in Sales Order Entry when you create an order, but the value can be overridden. If you create a direct purchase order or a direct warehouse transfer in Sales Order Entry by sourcing the product from a vendor or another warehouse, the extended shipping instructions are also included on these documents.

The extended shipping instructions are included on the Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report, Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report, Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report, and associated master list reports.

Note: This field is independent of the Instructions field.
Freight Terms

Specify the freight terms to use as a default for the customer. This field is required when automatic freight allocation is enabled in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Invoice Defaults. The default setting updates the same field in Sales Order Entry-Customer Order Settings. Freight terms correspond to the freight billing method that indicates who is paying the freight bill. Freight terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

If you have set up Incoterms in SA Table Code Value Setup, you can assign an Incoterm to a customer with the Freight Terms and Transfer Location fields. Select an appropriate term that is based on your Incoterms recommended work flow.


Specify a standard set of shipping instructions for this ship to, such as "Deliver Freight To Rear Entrance". The instructions are included on each order entered for this customer in Sales Order Entry, but you can override them. The information is from the sales order is included on order acknowledgments, bill of lading, pick tickets, and invoices.

Invoice Copies

You can print more than one copy of each invoice at one time. If three copies of the invoice are always needed, specify 3. Invoices are printed when you run Sales Order Entry, Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, Sales Demand Invoices Report, and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.

Note:  If you specify 0, no invoices are printed for this ship to.
Invoice To

Invoices can be sent either to the customer's bill to address or the ship to address. If you select Ship To, the sold to address section of the invoice always prints the Customer Ship To Setup address. The ship to address section of the invoice prints the ship to address from the Sales Order Entry header record.

Line Ship Complete

When you create a ship to record, this option may be selected or cleared, based on the same option on the associated customer record. You can override the default setting.

The Line Ship Complete option is also available in the Advanced Line Entry mode in Sales Order Entry. You can select or clear the option on each line item to override the default setting on the ship to record.

Line Terms

Ship tos that return core products must support line-based terms, because cores generally carry different terms than the rest of the order. If this ship to returns core products, select this option.

Order Rep 1-5

Specify up to five additional salesreps for the ship to. These are in addition to the Inside and Outside Salesreps. These additional salesreps can be used when more than two salesreps are involved in a job or sales order. Each salesrep must be set up in Select this option to assign the ship complete disposition to all lines on sales orders for the ship to. A line is not picked or shipped until the line can be filled in its entirety.Sales Salesrep Setup. When an order is created for the ship to in Sales Order Entry, order reps defined here are defaulted in the Customer Order Settings window. They can be changed, or additional order reps can be assigned.

You can also specify order reps on a specific line item in Sales Order Entry-Advanced Line Entry.

For each Order Rep 1-5 you specify, you can also specify an Order Rep Percent commission rate.

Order Rep Percent 1-5

For each Order Rep you specify for this ship to, you can also specify a commission rate in the corresponding Order Rep Percent field. When an order is created for the ship to in Sales Order Entry, the order reps percent values defined here are defaulted in the Customer Order Settings window. They can be changed or deleted.

Note: No calculations are performed using the commission percent values you specify in the Order Rep Percent 1-5 fields. These values can be extracted from the sales order line table for ad hoc reporting in Birst. They are also included in the SalesOrder BOD.
Pick Priority

Pick priority gives priority to filling outstanding back orders for this ship to. If a pick priority exists, during Sales Entry Processing Back Order FillSelect this option to assign the ship complete disposition to all lines, the back orders for this ship to are filled before those with lower or no priority. Normally, leave this set to 0 (zero). Anything greater than 0 (zero) gets priority, with 9 receiving the highest priority.

The Product Batch Reservation Report reserves inventory, based on this field when line items have delayed reservation.

Purchase Order Default

Specify a default PO number if the ship to uses the same purchase number for an extended period of time. This PO number updates the same field for each sales order that is entered for this ship to, but you can override. The default PO number updates Sales Order Entry whether it is required.

Require Purchase Order #

Select this option to require a purchase order number for this ship to during Sales Order Entry.


Disregard this option. It is not used by the application.


This user-defined field is used by the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report if the Print Order: (R)oute (O)rder# (E)ntry option is set to R. This prints the pick tickets in route, day, and stop order, so you can efficiently load a truck, if you operate your own truck delivery service. You can also use the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report Route/Day/Stop range to print pick tickets for a specific route.

Sales Order Fulfillment

Indicate if fulfillment orders can be created for the ship to. By default, Allowed To Use Order Fulfillment is selected. If the Order Fulfillment feature is not activated in SA Administrator Options, this field is not visible.

Sales Rep In

The inside sales rep who generally receives credit for sales generated by this ship to inside the business office. Inside sales can be generated from counter sales, telephone sales, fax orders, and so on.

Sales reps must be set up in Sales Rep Setup.

Sales Rep Out

The outside sales rep who generally receives credit for sales generated by this ship to outside the business office. Outside sales can include those received from visiting the ship to site, cold calling ship tos, and so on. This field is required because the value is used to update Sales Manager and General Ledger.

Ship Via

Specify the most common form of transportation that is used to ship orders to the ship to. This ship via is default ship via for each order that is entered for this ship to, but you can override it .

Ship Via Locked
You must use personalization to add this field to the page. This check box is clear and hidden by default. A lock icon indicates if the ship via is locked.

If you select this option, then these effects follow:

  • The Ship Via field in the Sales Order Entry screen is disabled.
  • The ship via defined in the Customer Setup screen defaults as the ship via of the order when you specify the Customer during creation of a new order. You cannot select a different ship via.
  • The alternate ship via list is not displayed in the Sales order Entry screen. Order’s ship via is also not validated.
  • Lock icon is displayed adjacent to the Ship Via field in the Customer Setup screen.
If both Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup screens have ship via values, then the ship via in the Customer Ship To Setup screen takes precedence.

The territory to which this ship to is assigned. The territory is a user-defined value used to further classify a ship to, usually geographically. Territories are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

These reports group customers by territory: SM Sales Analysis Report, SM Administrator Customer Ranking Report, Customer Credit Report, Customer Payment History Analysis Report, Customer Alpha Customer List Report, Customer Master List Report, and Customer Trial Balance Report.

Transfer Location

This 24-character free-form enterable field is paired with Freight Terms to assign Incoterms. If you specify an Incoterm in Freight Terms, define the Transfer Location, which is the named destination, port of discharge, port of destination, or port of shipment. Specify an appropriate location that is based on your Incoterms recommended work flow.

Use Central Distribution Center (CDC)
Select this option if the location you specified in the Default Warehouse field for this ship to is replenished with stock from a central distribution center (CDC). The location in the Default Warehouse field must be set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup with a CDC warehouse assigned in the Central Distribution Center Warehouse field. When you create Stock Orders (SO) for this ship to in Sales Order Entry, the CDC warehouse is defaulted in the Warehouse field. The ship to’s home warehouse is defaulted in the Sales Warehouse field.


Line Discount

The line discount level determines which discount within a price record is applied in Sales Order Entry. Nine discount levels are available within a price record. The line discount level is not used if the discount levels are based on quantity breaks.

If you accept the default setting of 0, line discounts are not allowed for the ship to.

Order Discount

The order discount level relates to the discount level set up in PD Whole Order Discount Setup. The order discount level does not apply if the record is based on quantity breaks.

The discounts can be based on a customer or ship to, total order quantity, or total order amount. Whole order discounts are calculated at the end of the order based on the customer, total order quantity, or total order amount, minus addons. When you run the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, the whole order discount is prorated back to each line item.

If you accept the default setting of 0, the ship to does not qualify for whole order discounts.

Order Entry Special Price Costing Default

Select Product to automatically fill price and costing information from the Product Setup record.

Select Override (OE) to automatically fill price and costing information from the unit of measure that is specified as the Order Entry default on the Product Special Price/Cost Setup record. If no Product Special Price/Cost Setup record exists, the information from the Product Setup is used.

Select Not Special to price/cost the product in the selling or stocking unit of measure as if it were not set up for special price/costing on Product Setup.

If this default type does not match an existing Product Special Price/Cost Setup record, then the Order Entry default is used. If there is no Order Entry default, then the Product Setup default is used.

Price and Discounting Customer #

Tie this customer’s pricing and discounting records to another customer. Specify the customer number of the other customer in this field. For example, if Customer 100 has a PD Customer # of 200, then the pricing for Customer 100 is based on price/discounting records defined for Customer 200.

Price Level

Specify the most common Price/Discounting Price Level used by the ship to. The price level determines which price is displayed during Sales Order Entry. The customer is not restricted to the price level that is specified here. There are nine price levels available within a price record. The price level is not be used if the pricing record is based on quantity breaks.

If you accept the default setting of 0, Price/Discounting pricing is not allowed for this ship to. The base price is taken from the base price or list price in Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Price Type

If you use multiple level pricing, then specify a default customer price type for the ship to. Customer price types are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup and assigned to these customer type pricing records in PD Pricing Setup:

  • Level 3 Customer Type/Product
  • Level 4 Customer Type/Product Type, Customer Type/Rebate Type, and Customer Type/Rebate Sub Type
  • Level 6 Customer Type records

This value associates the ship to to the customer type pricing records. You can set up additional price types for the customer in Customer Price Type Setup. Click Multiple Price Type access Customer Price Type Setup.

This value is not required. If you do not specify a price type on the ship to record, Levels 3, 4, and 6 are skipped when the standard pricing hierarchy is used to find the system price. If you do specify a price type on the ship to record, only that price type is used to find the system price. The price types that you specify on Customer Price Type Setup records are used to find a price within the multiple level hierarchy.

The price type for a ship to takes precedence over the price type for the customer.

Rebate Type

Specify the rebate type for this ship to. The rebate type enables you to group customers for rebate purposes. The customer rebate type is set up SA Table Code Value Setup and your entry in this field is validated.

If multiple customer rebates are set up for this customer in Customer Rebate Type Setup, click Multiple Rebate Types to access Customer Rebate Type Setup.

Note:  Security for Customer Rebate Type Setup is defined in SA Operator Setup-Function Security.
Show Negative Quote Overage

A negative quotes overage occurs when the price of the product on the original quote is greater than the price on the current revision. Select this option to show negative overages on the Sales Entry Quote Print Report.

If you do not select this option, the report shows zero for the overage.


Block Credit Card Creation

During sales order entry, you can allow an operator to create credit card and ACH tokens for a customer “on the fly.” You can also prevent the creation of tokens at the company and customer level. Use this setting if your company meets one of these conditions:

  • Does not want to store tokens at all
  • Uses a miscellaneous customer account that you do not want to store tokens for
  • Does not want to store tokens for specific customers or ship tos

If you block token creation at the company level, you cannot create new tokens. In Customer Credit Card Setup and Sales Order Entry, the Add New Card option is unavailable. If you allow token creation at the company level, but block new tokens for a specific customer/ship to, the Add New Card option is unavailable for that specific customer. Blocking at the customer level does not block all ship tos automatically; each ship to can be blocked or allowed by the ship to settings.

Payment Type

You can associate a Payment Type with a specific ship to. Typically, you select the most common form of payment this ship to uses. You must have already set up a ship to with a payment type and credit card in SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type and in Customer Credit Card Setup. This type code defaults in the first payment position on the Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment view, but you can override.


Addons 1-8

Specify up to eight addon codes for the ship to. The codes that are specified here are default values in Sales Order Entry. You can specify an unlimited number of addons per order. The addons that are specified in the first and second positions are assumed to be the Freight In and Freight Out addons.

Addon codes are set up in SA Order Entry Addon Setup.

Bill Direct PO Addons

Use this option to bill Direct Order (DO) purchase order addons directly to the ship to on a tied sales order. This option is available only if your SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders option, Bill Direct PO Addons To Sales Orders is selected. This setting determines whether direct PO addons are applied to the customer sales orders with tied DO POs and what type of addons are billed.

If you select None, no PO addons applied to DO purchase orders are passed to the sales order. This excludes this ship to from your company-wide program to bill direct PO addons to sales orders.

Select All to pass all PO addons applied to DO purchase orders to the ship to’s sales order, regardless of the PO addon type: freight or non-freight.

If you select Freight Only, only those PO addons applied to the purchase order that are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-PO Addons as Freight types are passed to the sales order.

If you select Other (Non-Freight), only the PO addons that are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-PO Addons with the Freight option not selected are passed to the sales order.

Require Freight In/Out

The Freight In and Freight Out options determine if Addons 1 and 2 are required on each order for this ship to. If you do not select either of these options, Addon 1 and Addon 2 are still the default addon values in Sales Order Entry. They are not required.

You can inquire on orders in Sales Order Inquiry when this option is selected. This enables you to find those direct ship sales orders that have not been invoiced because freight charges have not been applied.


Credit Limit

Specify the amount of the ship to's assigned credit limit. A comparison is made between the combined total balance, plus on order balance, and the credit limit when entering and invoice processing orders for this ship to.

If you leave the default value of 0, no credit check is performed. This, in effect, grants the ship to unlimited credit.

You can use additional credit limit hold settings at the company and warehouse levels to increase customer’s credit limit and maximum sales order amount. You can use the settings to reduce the number of orders that go on hold and the time required to review and release the orders.

You can set the Credit Limit Tolerance Percentage and Max Order Amount fields in these functions:

  • SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing
  • Product Warehouse Description Setup

The settings bypass standard logic for credit hold limits. The settings at the warehouse level override the values that you specify at the company level.

In Sales Order Entry, a message is displayed if the ship to has exceeded their credit limit. The credit manager is notified, if you have specified to notify the credit manager. The designation, On Hold, is displayed in Customer Inquiry if the credit limit is exceeded. If an order is put on hold, the order can be approved through the Sales Credit Release Inquiry.

Hold Period

Indicate the period during which you want holds placed on orders for this ship to. Accept the default 0 if you do not want to use the Hold Period. If there is a balance in the period specified or an older period, all new orders are placed on hold.

Note:  If you specify 1, all new orders are put on hold. They must be approved before the order is processed as an invoice in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. This field is most useful for periods 2- 5.

For example, suppose your periods are set to 30 days each in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Balances and you specify 3 in the Hold Period field. If a balance exists with invoices older than 90 days, all new orders are placed on hold. The new orders must manually be reviewed before they can be processed as invoices in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. Customers cannot purchase additional merchandise before paying the outstanding balance on old invoices. Any miscellaneous credits are considered when determining if a past due balance exists.


Specify the date the ship to's account was established.


Terms of Delivery
If your Tax Method in SA Company Setup-Taxes is Value Added Tax (VAT), you must set up additional table values, such as Terms of Delivery, for Intrastat sales reporting in SA Table Code Value Setup. Then, select a term of delivery for this Intrastat customer.