SA Administrator ION Initial Load Report ranges and options
See Reports - Ranges overview.
See the appropriate integration guide for recommended range settings for the BODs you are loading.
- Noun Name
Specify the noun name for the business object document (BOD) for which you are loading initial master and transaction data. The BOD noun must be set up in SA Administrator ION Noun Setup before you perform an initial data load.
The noun name that you specify in this field is verified against this list of valid nouns:
- AccountingChart
- BillToPartyMaster
- ChartOfAccounts
- CodeDefinition
- ContactMaster
- CustomerPartyMaster
- CustomerReturn
- FinancialCalendar
- Invoice
- ItemMaster
- Location
- PayableTransaction
- Person
- PurchaseOrder
- Quote
- ReceivableTransaction
- ReceiveDelivery
- RemitToPartyMaster
- SalesOrder
- Shipment
- ShipFromPartyMaster
- ShipToPartyMaster
- SourceSystemGLMovement
- SupplierPartyMaster
This list of BODs is updated regularly. See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide or Infor Distribution SX.e Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service for a list of currently supported BODs.
Note: The AdvanceShipNotice, a valid BOD supported for Distribution SX.e, should not be selected for an initial load. The data for the AdvanceShipNotice BOD is generated from the shipping process and, therefore, is an artifact of the Shipment BOD. When you run the initial load of the Shipment BOD, any applicable ASNs are created in the AdvanceShipNotice BOD. - Max Nouns to Process (Zero for All)
Specify the maximum number of BODs to process during the initial load. Normally, this should be set to zero so that all qualifying transactions are loaded.
- Show BOD 'To Logical ID' Value
To publish the BOD as a Show BOD to a single application, specify the application's logical ID in this field. The logical ID must be in this format:
lid://infor.[application].[instance name]
.See the receiving application's ION configuration guide for the logical ID value.
- Shipment: O)E, OE/R)M, W)T, P)O, K)P, A)ll
This option is used only if you load the Shipment BOD. Specify A to run the initial load for all shipment types, or select a specific shipment type. If you select A, the load may take a long time to run if you have numerous shipment records, based on other criteria selected.
- CodeDefinition Type
To load the CodeDefinition BOD, specify the CodeDefinition Type, or specify All to build the master data for all CodeDefinition list types, except GL Dimensions.
These values are valid code definition types. See the appropriate integration guide for the required values.
- GL Dimensions
- Item Classes
- Territories
- Payment Term
- Customer Types
- Price List
- Commodity Codes
- Item Types
- MRO Classes
- Transportation Methods
- Unit Codes
- Divisions
- Include GL Dimensions for (ALL) Types
If you specified All for the CodeDefinition Type option, indicate whether to include GL Dimensions.