SA Administrator Inactive Ship From Removal Report ranges and options

The ranges and options for the SA Administrator Inactive Ship From Removal Report are described.


Delete All The Inactive Ship Froms?
Select Yes to delete all of the inactive ship from addresses that meet the range criteria for the report. Select No if you do not want to delete the inactive ship from addresses.
Inactivate The Non-Active Ship Froms?
Select this field to inactivate ship from addresses that have not had activity for a specified number of days. Use the Inactivate Ship Froms W/O Activity For #Days field to specify the number of days.
Inactivate Ship Froms W/O Activity For #Days
Specify the number of days that a ship from address needs to be without activity to qualify for inactivation. For example, to inactivate ship from addresses that have not been used for 3 months, specify 90. Ship from addresses with no activity for 90 days are inactivated.
Print Ship Froms With No Activity Since
To review a list of ship from addresses that have not been used for a period of time, specify a date. Ship from addresses that have not been used since that date are included in the report results. Reviewing this information can help you determine which ship from addresses to inactivate. For example, if today is February 1, 2018 and you want to review ship from addresses that have had no activity since the beginning of the previous year--January 1, 2017--you would specify the January date in this field.