Product Hazardous Materials (MSDS) Report ranges and options


See the Report ranges topic for more information.


Print in (C)ustomer # or (P)roduct Order

Specify C to print the report by customer, by ship to, by product. One label prints per customer or shipto.

Specify P to print in product order. One label prints per product. The report is then sorted by product, by customer, by ship to.

All Sent types, specified in the next option, print in the order you selected. Then, the To Be Sent types print after a page break.

Print (S)ent, (T)o Be Sent, or (B)oth?

Specify S and these field values in specific functions to determine what to include:

  • The MSDS Sent field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is not blank, and the Changed (date) field in Product Setup-Required is blank.
  • The Changed (date) field in Product Setup-Requiredis less than or equal to the MSDS Sent field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report.
  • The Last Purchase Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is less than or equal to the Changed (date) field in Product Setup-Required.
  • The Last Purchase Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is blank.

Specify T and these field values in specific functions to determine what to include:

  • The MSDS Sent Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is blank.
  • The MSDS Sent Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is not blank, and the Changed (date) field in Product Setup-Required is greater than the MSDS Sent Date field in SM Extended Hazardous Totals Setup.
  • The Last Purchase Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is greater than or equal to the Changed (date) field in Product Setup-Required.
  • The Last Purchase Date field in SM Extended Totals Hazardous Report is not blank.
    Note: If the MSDS Print option in SA Administrator Options-Product-Defaults is set to Picking, only the "sent" MSDS information prints on the report.
Print The Shipping Address on Report?

Select Yes and the Customer Setup record, or Customer Ship To Setup record, for a ship to are used for the address. If the Ship To record is blank, the customer's address prints.

Print Mailing Labels?

Select Yes to print labels for the MSDS sheets to be sent. Labels print if the MSDS Print option in SA Administraotr Options-Product-Defaults is set to Mail Later, and Option 2 is set to T or B.

Note:  To print labels, the printer assigned to print the report must be different from the printer that is assigned to print the labels.
Number of Copies of Each Label

Specify the number of copies of each label.

Number of Labels Per Line

Use this option with the next four options to indicate the number of labels that display horizontally on the label form.

Specify the number of labels that print across the sheet.

1st Label Begins At Column
2nd Label Begins At Column
3rd Label Begins At Column
4th Label Begins At Column

These four options relate to the position of the labels. Specify the location as the labels show on the form. A maximum of four labels per form are allowed to be specified. The initial defaults for the label positions are 1, 31, 61, and 91. Each specified label must be 30 character positions from the previous label position.

Number of Lines Per Label

Specify the number of lines to print on the labels.

If you set this option to 6 or fewer lines, 6 lines print automatically. If blank, the third address line is not printed.

If you set the number of lines to 7, a blank line prints at the end.

Printer Name To Send Labels To

Specify the name of the label printer. Print labels to a printer, fax, file, email, or Report Viewer. Optionally, click Printer Options.

Printer Options
Note:  The printer name must be previously established in SA Printer Setup and cannot be the same printer that is used to print the MSDS report.