Customer Inquiry - DNBi Integration field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Address
Shows the address from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Application ID
Shows the application ID value from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Application Status
The application status is dependent upon the recommended credit and score card rating of the customer. If the Recommended Credit Limit from DNBi is 0 (zero), the status is Pending: No Credit Limit Returned. If the Score Card is less than 5, the status is Declined. Otherwise, the Application Status field is returned from DNBi.
- City, State, Zip Code
Shows the city, state, and ZIP code from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Country
Shows the country code from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Domestic Duns Number
Shows the domestic Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Duns Number
Shows the Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Expiration Date
This is calculated based on this formula.
system date + the number of days defined for the Review Period option in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-DNBi Integration + additional days depending on their score card rating. This table shows the score card rating.
Score Card # of Days to Add >= 10 365 <= 9 365 >= 8 365 >= 7 365 >= 6 180 >= 5 180 All else (<5) 30 The expiration date is also the next review date, or the date the customer is scheduled for a credit review by DNBi.
- Global Duns Number
Shows the global Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Match / Response Type
Shows the match type from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Name
Shows the name from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- No Call Flag
This is a user-defined field that is updated in Customer Setup-DNBi. It represents a Do Not Call status that is checked by the system to determine if the Update DNBi option is enabled or not.
- Parent Duns Number
Shows the parent Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Phone Number
Shows the phone number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Recommended Credit Limit
Shows the recommend credit limit from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
If the Recommended Credit Limit is less than or equal to the Credit Limit in Customer Setup, then the Credit Limit in Customer Setup is not updated. Otherwise, it is the lowest of these values: Max Credit Limit in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-DNBi Integration, Recommended Credit Limit from DNBi, or Requested Credit Limit.
- Requested Credit Limit
This is a user-defined value set up in Customer Setup-DNBi that represents the original requested credit limit.
- Risk Code
Shows the risk code, which is calculated based on the Score Card value assigned by DNBi.
Score Card Risk Code Next Review Date/Expiration Date >= 10 1 One year from today <= 9 1 One year from today >= 8 2 One year from today >= 7 2 One year from today >= 6 3 Six months from today >= 5 4 Six months from today All else (< 5) D (declined) One month from today If the Recommended Credit is zero, a status of Pending is assigned to the Risk Code.
- Score Card
Shows the score card value from the customer's record in the DNBi application.