Product Availability Inquiry - Future field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order

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Back Orders Only

Select this option to display Sale Entry back orders. The orders include the order suffix to indicate the back order status. To simulate the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report, select this option and OE, PO, and KP in the Module Type field.

Lead Days

Displays the average lead time days from Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering.

Module Type

By default, when you access the Product Availability Inquiry – Future view, the results that are displayed include transactions for the all module types. To refine the view, select the modules from the drop-down list and click Filter. The transactions displayed are limited to those associated with the selected modules. For each module, each line that displays represents one line on the order, purchase order, or transfer. If the product is ordered more than one time, multiple lines are displayed.

Note: Selecting many or all of the module types may impact performance. Use the Record Limit field to limit the records that display.
Module Description

Select this option to include sales orders.

For the first order displayed, the quantity ordered is subtracted from the On Hand quantity. If it is not the first order, the quantity ordered is subtracted from the Balance column, which is a running net quantity.

Sales orders are listed in promised date order. The earliest date is at the top of the list and the latest date at the bottom. Sales Order Entry returns are not included in the Balance column. Direct order (DO) lines are not included.

Purchase Order

Select this option to include purchase orders.

For the first order displayed, the quantity ordered is added to the On Hand. If it is not the first, the quantity ordered is added to the Balance column, which is a running net quantity.

All purchase orders display according to due date. The first due date is at the top of the list and the last due date at the bottom.

Blanket PO type orders are not included because inventory has not been ordered. Blanket Release (BR) type orders are not included until they are converted.

Warehouse Transfer

Select this option to include transfers in and out.

For the first line on the inquiry, the quantity transferred is added to or subtracted from the On Hand. The result displays in the Balance column. If it is not the first, the quantity is either be added or subtracted from the Balance column, which is a running net quantity. Transfers out display by requested ship date and transfers in display by expected due date.

When a transfer has attached back orders and you are viewing any transfer other than the last back order, the quantity shipped displays. When you are viewing the last back order on a transfer, the quantity ordered displays.

Kit Production

Select this option to include prebuilt kit work orders in Stage 1 (Ordered) and Stage 2 (Printed).

For the first line on the inquiry, the quantity ordered is subtracted from the On Hand. The result displays in the Balance column. If it is not the first line, the quantity ordered is subtracted from the Balance column, which is a running net quantity. Work orders display with a type of OE and the date and transaction type of the order containing the kit.

Value Add

Select this option to include fabrication orders.

The quantity ordered is subtracted from the On Hand if it is the first line on the inquiry. The result displays in the Balance column. If it is not the first line, the quantity ordered is subtracted from the Balance column, which is a running net quantity. Fabrication orders display with a type of OE, and the date and transaction type of the order containing the fabrication product.

For all open order types, the order stage, quantity shipped, and back-order quantity are displayed.

If there are no back orders, or this is the last back order, the Quantity Back Ordered is calculated as the Quantity Ordered minus Quantity Shipped. If there are back orders, all except the last suffix displays zero in this column. If the Backorder # is zero, that means there are no back orders or this is the last back order. If there are back orders, the Quantity Back Ordered is greater than zero.

On Hand

Displays the quantity On Hand displays from Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering.

Record Limit
Specify the maximum number of records to display in the grid.

To limit the display of orders to those through a specific date, specify a date. For example, you may only want to know what the On Hand is at the end of this week. Leave the ending date blank to print all orders through the system's current date.


Specify the unit measure you want to view future balances in.