WL Inventory Audit Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


WL Location

Specify the WL location for the report being generated. You can set up individual stored reports per location if multiple WL locations are on your system.

Create WL Record For Qty Out Of Balance?

Select Yes. The unavailable types from TWL updates the Product Unavailable Inventory Entry values and types based on the actual detail uploaded from TWL. Run WL Entry Batch Adjust Inventory Report to balance unavailable balances if there are out-of-balance conditions.

Select No to review the out-of-balance conditions before you update Product Warehouse Product Setup record. This enables you to research the variances before you create stock adjustments.

Create Missing WL ITEM Records?

In addition to updating inventory balances, you can use WL Audit Inventory Report to audit the inventory records in both systems and create Item master records that do not exist in TWL. Item records are created with a zero balance. You must perform an initial load or cycle count and upload the quantity to the system.

Select No. If an Item master record is missing, an exception prints on the report.

Serial/Lots: E)dit, U)pdate, or N)either

Specify (E)dit to compare serial/lot records in the system and TWL and display the exceptions.

Specify (U)pdate to update serial/lot records if exceptions are found. System records are immediately updated according to the TWL serial/lot data. No further intervention is needed if the Updated Ser/Lot column is Y.

Specify (N)either to leave the records as they are.

Print Exceptions: D)etail or S)ummary

Specify (D)etail to display the exception and the serial/lot records related to the exception.

L)ive WL Whse, N)ot Live, or B)oth

Specify (L)ive, (N)ot Live, or (B)oth to indicate whether the TWL warehouse is live, not live, or both.

If you are running the report for a warehouse that is not live, set the Create WL Record For Qty Out Of Balance option to No.

Show Error Details?

Select Yes. The error condition that prevents WL Audit Inventory Report from making stock adjustments provides more detail to help you resolve the issue. These items are given:

  • the set number of the WL Transaction Inquiry transaction,
  • the order number that is shipped but not invoiced,
  • and the RT that is in process in TWL.
Search for WL Only Nonstock Inventory?

Select Yes to search TWL nonstock item records to determine if they also exist in the Distribution SX.esystem inventory records.

Note:  A stock adjustment is not created automatically to add these nonstocks to TWL inventory in WL Audit Inventory Report . This is because the price and product category is unknown. They must be added manually. This report takes longer to execute when this option is set to Yes.