Product Shipping Restriction Setup field descriptions
Use these fields to search for or create a product shipping restriction record. Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Active
- Select this option to make the record active.
- Allow Override
- Select this option to allow the Operator to override the applied product shipping restriction record during document entry.
- Document Type
- Specify one or more types of orders to apply the product shipping restriction record. This is a required field. Sales Order is selected by default. Select from Sales Order and Warehouse Transfer.
- Expire Date
- Specify an expiration date for the record.
- Product
- Specify a product. This field is required when the record’s Restriction Type is Product.
- Product Category
- Specify a product category. This field is required when the record’s Restriction Type is Product Category.
- Product Line
- Specify a product line. This field is required when the record’s Restriction Type is Product Line.
- Restriction Code
- Specify a product restriction code. The values in this lookup field are from the Product Restrictions table in SA Table Code Value Setup.
- Restriction Type
- Select the type of product shipping restriction from Product, Product Line, or Product Category. This is a required field.
- Ship To Warehouse
- Specify a ship to warehouse. This field is available when the record’s Document Type includes Warehouse Transfer.
- Ship Via
- Specify a Ship Via shipping method for the shipping restriction record. This is a required field.
- Start Date
- Specify a start date for the record. This is a required field.
- Status Code
- This field is not editable. The Not Allowed option is always specified.
- Vendor
- Specify a vendor. This field is required when the record’s Restriction Type is Product Line.
- Warehouse
- Specify a warehouse.Note: Note: For product line shipping restriction records, the specified product line is validated against the appropriate Product Line Setup record, with or without a warehouse