SA Table Code Value Setup - Origin Code field descriptions
These fields are listed alphabetically for each table type.
- Allow Editing in Order Entry
Select this option to allow users to change the Origin Code field in Sales Order Entry. Only users with Yes selected in the Allow Change of Order Origin Code field on their SA Operator Setup record can change the code. To prevent users from changing the code, regardless of their operator security, ensure that this option is clear. You may want to prevent users from changing the Origin Code on orders that are created by a background process.
- Background Function
Select the background function that you are setting the origin code for. This is the function that was used to create the order in Distribution SX.e. This table shows the values that are available in the field:
Background Function Internal Identifier SX.api API CPQ configurator CFG Consolidated Invoice CNI Tool Crib CRB Counter Sales CSO EDI Import EDI Excel Import EXL Fulfillment Order OFO Job Management JMO Receive On Account ROA Storefront STF Storeroom STR Service Warranty SWO Other OTH User Selection USR All orders that are manually specified in Sales Order Entry should default with an origin code with a background function of User Selection, with the exception of Counter Sales orders and Received On Account transactions. Those automatically default with the origin code that you define with a Counter Sale (CSO) or Receive On Account (ROA) Background Function.
The origin code for the fulfillment order background process is added to the tied fulfillment orders that are created after the original fulfillment order is submitted.
Only one origin code should be assigned to each true background function. Multiple origin codes can be assigned to the User Selection background function.
Note: If a background function does not pass an internal identifier, the Default Order Origin Code defined in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order is used. For example, if you use a third-party application to create orders using API Full Order Maintenance (the SX.api background function) and you want to identify all orders created by this application with a unique code, you must pass the identifier in the API call. Otherwise, the origin code defined as the Default Order Origin Code is used. - Display in Order Entry Lookup
Indicate whether to display the order origin code in Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry-Copy Order Origin lookup. This prevents users from inadvertently selecting certain codes from the lookup. Generally, codes are defined for background functions.
This selection applies to the origin code lookup grid only. If you maintain an order that was created by a background function with an origin code that is set up not to display in the lookup, the origin code still shows in the Order Origin field. If the origin code is also set up with Allow Editing in Order Entry option selected, you can override the defaulted code.
Note: Because a code does not show in the lookup does not mean the code cannot be specified in the Order Origin field. Any origin code set up in the SA Table Code Value Setup can be specified in Sales Order Entry. - Origin Code
Specify an order origin code using a maximum of four characters. This code is used to populate the Order Origin field in Sales Order Entry for orders created from outside of Sales Order Entry using background functions such as EDI, Storeroom, and Storefront, and for Counter Sale and Received On Account orders.
It also populates the Origin Code lookup table when a customer sales rep creates an order in Sales Order Entry, based on additional options in the Extended section. If the code is defined with a background function of User Selection and you also select to Display in Order Entry Lookup, the code can be selected from the Origin Code lookup in Sales Order Entry. If you require order origin codes for every sales order in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders, this field is required in Sales Order Entry.
A unique order origin code should be created for each background and user entry function in the Extended section.
- Sort Order Priority
Specify the order in which the origin code shows in the lookup on the Origin Code field in Sales Order Entry. Each code can be assigned a priority between 1 and 99. Multiple codes can have the same priority number. If you have selected the option, Display in Order Entry Lookup, order origin codes are displayed in the lookup based upon the priority sort order number, with priority 1 codes showing first, and priority 99 codes showing last. This allows you to set the most frequently used codes to show at the top of the lookup list.