Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Discount Cutoff Date
Specify the discount cutoff date. The discounts will be taken for all invoices with a discount due date on or after this date; however, if you indicate that you take late discounts in the Take Late Disc’s (N)o, (C)urrent, (A)ged option, the discount cutoff date is ignored. The discount is lost on all invoices with a discount due date before this date. Lost discounts are identified by an asterisk. Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the Day field if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system uses the current date less 7 days for the date.
- Due Cutoff Date
Specify the invoice due cutoff date. The date entered here determines which invoices should be paid. Invoices with a terms due date through the date entered here will be processed. Invoices that qualify will have their invoice amount printed in the Current column of the report. Invoices with a due date after this date will print in the Future column. Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the Day if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system uses the current date less 7 days for the date.
- Posting Date
Specify the posting date to determine invoices eligible for payment based on future posting dates. Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the Day if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system uses the current date less 7 days for the date.
The first three options work together to determine an invoice's scheduled pay status (current, future or disputed). In order to qualify for current payment, invoices must meet one of the following two criteria:
- The invoice due date is less than the due cutoff date.
- The invoice's discount date falls between the posting date and the discount cutoff date.
If the invoice is disputed, it is included in the Disputed column. All other invoices and credits are placed in the Future column.
- (V)endor #, (N)ame, (C)urrency, (S)elect Order
Specify Vto print the report in vendor number order.
Specify N to print the report in vendor alphabetical order.
Specify Cto print the report in currency order.
Specify S to print the report in the order you entered invoices if you select the Select Individual Vendor #s to Print option.
- Invoice (D)ate or (I)nvoice # Order
Specify D to print the invoices for each vendor in invoice date order.
Specify (I to print the invoices for each vendor in invoice number order.
- Take Late Disc's (N)o, (C)urrent, (A)ged
Specify Nto not take discounts which have expired as of the date you specified in the Discount/Expiration Cutoff Date option.
Specify C to take late discounts and show invoices that are current or future.
Specify(A to take late discounts and let invoices age per existing criteria.
Note: After you run the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report as a stored report, no new processed invoices will be added to the report. - Select Individual Vendor #s to Print?
Select Yes, and then click to enter individual vendor numbers. You can include all invoices for a vendor or select individual invoices.
If you do not enter a list of vendor numbers, but select the All Invoices option on the Vendor/Invoice List window, this warning is displayed when you click : Warning: No Stored Report Selected. All Due Vendors/Invoices Will Be Paid. This warning allows you to stop processing the report if you did intend to process the report for specific vendors.
You can select and pay a disputed invoice, but this message is displayed:WARNING: A Disputed Invoice Has been Selected For Payment
The invoice numbers that you choose for payment must meet the criteria selected in the Print (C)urrent, (F)uture, (D)isp, (A)ll option.
- Take Misc Credits (Y)es, (N)o, (W)hole
Specify Y to print miscellaneous credits for each vendor at the end of the list of invoices. The miscellaneous credit amounts are used to pay active invoices in invoice date order.
For example, if a vendor has a current invoice of $200.00 and miscellaneous credit amounts totaling $225.00, the invoice will be paid, and a new miscellaneous credit transaction will be created for $25.00. The new miscellaneous credit transaction will assume the invoice number of the last miscellaneous credit used and the sequence number will increase by one. The miscellaneous credit amounts that were applied to active invoices ($200.00) will be subtracted from the Current column, and the remainder ($25.00) will be subtracted from the Future column.
Specify N and the miscellaneous credit amounts are not used to pay active invoices. The miscellaneous credit amounts will be subtracted from the Future column.
Specify W and the entire miscellaneous credit must be applied to an invoice.
For example, if a vendor has a current invoice of $200.00 and also has two miscellaneous credits, one for $180.00 and the other for $45.00, only the $180.00 miscellaneous credit will be applied. The $45.00 miscellaneous credit will not be split. The miscellaneous credit amounts that were applied to active invoices ($180.00) will be subtracted from the Current column and the remaining miscellaneous credit ($45.00) will be subtracted from the Future column. A check for $20.00 will be prepared for the vendor if you select Yes for the Pay Vendor if Credit Balance option.
Miscellaneous credits on dispute will not be applied.
- Pay Vendor if Credit Balance?
A vendor's current balance is calculated for the date that this report is run and does not include future and disputed invoices. Use this option to prevent payment to a vendor unless a current amount is owed. A credit balance vendor is defined as a vendor with a balance less than or equal to zero.
Select Yes to update the invoices against which miscellaneous credits were applied.
In the example used above for selecting W in the Take Misc Credits option, the vendor actually has a credit balance of $25.00 ($20.00 left on the original $200.00 invoice and a $45.00 miscellaneous credit). To process the check for $20.00 and update the invoice, select Yes here.
- Print (C)urrent, (F)uture, (D)isp, (A)ll
This option determines the style used by the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report. All transactions that qualify for inclusion must have a post date that is less than what you specified in the Posting Date option. Otherwise, the transaction will not qualify to be paid and will appear on the exception report.
Specify C to print only the Current invoice due column. Current invoices are all non-disputed and meet one of the following criteria:
Discount Date > or = Posting Date
Take Late Discounts = Yes and Discount Date > or = Discount Cutoff Date
Due Date < or = Due Cutoff Date
Specify F to print only the Future invoice due column. Future invoices are non-disputed and meet one of the following criteria:
Discount Date > or = Posting Date
Due Date > Due Cutoff Date
Specify D to print only the on hold and disputed invoices in the Disputed column.
Specify A to print the Current, Future, and Disputed columns.
When you specify A for this option, all vendors, including those with a credit balance, are displayed. If you select No in the Pay Vendor if Credit Balance option, all invoices and credits for vendors with a credit balance are placed in the Future column.
- (D)etail, (V)endor Totals, or (S)ummary
Specify D to print the details of each transaction for each vendor as well as the grand totals, bank totals, and cash account totals.
Specify V to print totals for each vendor with a static line detailing the vendor number, name, vendor type, bank, balance due, rebate due, RMA balance, and accounts receivable balance. Under each vendor, a total of all invoices and miscellaneous credits appears.
Specify S to print only the grand totals, bank totals, and cash account totals.
- Pay Through Bank
Specify the bank number you want updated when checks are drawn to pay vendors. If the bank is invalid, the report fails and an error is sent to the report log for the company.
This option handles situations where multiple divisions share the same vendor but each division pays from a unique bank. Use this option when you want to pay out of one bank yet your Vendor Transaction Entry journal may contain postings to different vendors and divisions assigned with different banks.
When you use this option, the system does not search the Vendor Setup record and update the balance of the bank associated with each vendor. However, it does search the CR Bank Setup record for the indicated bank number and updates that bank's balance accordingly.
When using the Pay Through Bank option with a range of bank numbers, the range serves as a search parameter to find records; however, the Pay Through Bank value takes precedence over the bank information in Vendor Setup.
If you leave this field blank, the Vendor Setup bank numbers for individual vendors are updated.
- Posting Period
Journals can only be posted to one period at a time. The posting period should correspond to the Posting Date option. The posting period determines the correct period to post the General Ledger transactions created when the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report is run. If you want to go back one period, specify -1 in this field.
- Show Disputed Vendors?
Select Yes to print disputed vendors, even if none of their invoices will be paid.
A note indicating that the vendor's dispute option is selected prints if you select Yes for this option and you have also specified D or V in the (D)etail, (V)endor Totals, or (S)ummary option.
Select No and no information on the disputed vendor prints.
- Credit Balance by (C)urrent, or (T)otal
Specify C to use the current amount due when determining if there is a credit balance for vendors that qualify. This will not consider any miscellaneous credits that are part of the future balance.
Specify T to consider all credits, current and future.
- Set All Items To Future Payment (Y/N)?
Select Yes if you want all invoices and miscellaneous credits to be set to not pay (future). Selecting Yes does not affect which transactions are included on the check run, but it sets them to not pay (future pay).