SA File Transfer Administration field descriptions
- Data File
Click the icon to select a file to transfer to the shared file system.
- Target Type
Select the menu function to which the file applies.
- Product Import:
If you use Product Import to update your pricing and product records, you must transfer the data files from your local directory to a shared file system. Perform this transfer before you run the PI Administration Import File Report. Use this target type to transfer the data files to a shared file system that Report Scheduler can access. The local directory can be the Import Directory in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults-Product Setup, or another local directory. Each tenant has its own directory name prefix in the shared file system.
- Electronic Data Interchange:
Use this target type to import EDI flat files from your local system to the cloud. ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT are the two standard formats that are currently used.
- Data Conversion:
Use this target type transfer files, such as legacy files or updated pricing files, from your local system to the cloud. For CloudSuite Distribution, you must transfer your files before running any of the data conversion programs in the Distribution SX.e system.
- Label Files:
Use this target type with TWL to load the default label templates and dictionary files that enable CloudSuite Distribution to see what data you are requesting in the label files.
- Product Import: