SA MTD VAT Reporting field descriptions
- Status
The status is Fulfilled or Open. Fulfilled shows that you have submitted VAT data for this period. Open shows you have not submitted VAT data for this period.
- Start Date
The start date for this period.
- End Date
The end date for this period.
- Due Date
The date your VAT data is due to be sent to HMRC.
- Received Date
The date your VAT data was sent and received by HMRC.
For each record displayed in the grid, you can drill down to view period details and to submit VAT data for the period due. If you drill down on a Fulfilled record, an API call is made to HMRC, and the retrieved data is shown in the tabs. If you drill down on an Open record, only the data currently in the Distribution SX.e system database is shown in the Return tab. In Open status, the data displayed changes as VAT transactions occur in the system.
In the Return tab, view the Return Details for the period. The data is displayed in fields matching the 1-9 boxes on the standard VAT return. If you are reviewing the VAT data due for this period, the button is available. The button is not available before the End Date. Click to send the data to HMRC. When HMRC receives and accepts the data, the totals are sent back to Distribution SX.e. If no data is found for that period, an error is displayed. If you try to submit again, a message is displayed indicating the data has already been sent. To view the data that is used to build the return totals, access the Transaction tab.
When you click Return view.
, this declaration is displayed: When you submit this VAT information you are making a legal declaration that the information is true and complete. A false declaration can result in prosecution. Click to proceed, or to return to theTransactions
In the Transactions tab, the VAT Reporting Period, Start Date, and End Date autopopulate the fields. You can also filter based on these Data Sourcevalues: All, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Vendor Rebates. You can filter based on the Country and Tax Group value. Optionally, you can select , if further research is required. The grid columns show the database table fields.
The Payments tab shows any payments that are made to HMRC for the period. The data displayed in this tab is defined by HMRC and autopopulated in the grid. The data received is displayed for the return's Payment Date and Payment Amount. An error message is displayed if the date range is invalid or no data is found.
The Liability tab shows any liabilities still owed to HMRC for the period. The data displayed in this tab is defined by HMRC and autopopulated in the grid. The data received is displayed for the return's Due Date, Outstanding Liability, Original Amount, Type, Tax Period Start, and Tax Period End. Type refers to the surcharge or penalty assigned by HMRC. For example, VAT Return Debit Charge. An error message is displayed if the date range is invalid or no data is found.