PI Entry Update Products ranges and options
- Whse (blank for all)
Line items attached to a particular warehouse can be selected for updating. Leave this field blank to include all qualifying line items, regardless of warehouse.
- Days to Allow Forward
This option sets the effective date ahead for all line items selected for updating by a specified number of days. Specify a number of days to update import files with an effective date through the current date plus this number of days forward. For example, you are performing the update on a Friday. To include items with an effective date of Saturday and Sunday, specify 2. Records with effective dates equal to 2 days beyond the current date and earlier are updated. If this field is left blank, only import files with an effective date through the current date are updated.
- Update Catalog Prices/Costs?
Select No to not update prices and costs on Product Catalog Setup records. Records with a value of "@cat" in the Whse field of PI Entry Edit Product Update File are not updated. All other fields are updated unless set to Ignore in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup-Exceptions. New products that do not have existing records in Product Catalog Setup are created with prices and costs regardless of the setting in this field.
- Update Whse Prices/Costs?
Select No to not update prices and costs on Product Warehouse Product Setup records. All other fields are updated unless set to Ignore in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup-Exceptions. New products that do not have existing records in Product Warehouse Product Setup are created with prices and costs regardless of the setting in this field.
- Honor Whse Prices/Costs by Change Dt?
Select No to not update Product Warehouse Product Setup records with an import file dated before the last change date of existing records. For example, a Product Warehouse Product Setup record has a last change date of 6/1/20. The import file containing changes to the record's prices and costs was issued on 5/1/20. This record's prices and costs are updated only if this field is set to No. The new last change date is the date the record was updated.
- Report on Mismatched ARP Vendors?
Select Yes for the update report to show a list of records skipped because the import record's ARP Vendor did not match the existing Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The report shows a total of records skipped due to the imported vendor not matching the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The report shows a total of records skipped due to the imported vendor being zero.
- Override the Issue Date?
Select Yes to override the issue date of the import file. The issue date is the date that is displayed in the header of the PI Entry Edit Product Update File. The issue date is used to update the Date of Last Price/Cost Change fields on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. If this field is set to Yes, a date must be specified in the option, Issue Date to use.
- Issue Date to use (MM/DD/YY)
Specify a new issue date to use if overriding the imported file's issue date; that is, the option, Override the Issue Date?, is set to Yes. The issue date is used to update the Date of Last Price/Cost Change fields on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. If Override the Issue Date? option is Yes, and this field is left blank, an error message is displayed and the update is terminated: Override Issue Date cannot be Blank. Update Cancelled.