SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst ranges and options
- Date Range
Specify a beginning and ending date to limit the records that are extracted to only those created within that date range. The Date Range applies to a certain subset of tables that are supported for the Distribution Analytics Content for Birst. Each table you extract will use a different date. For example, the ARET table records are selected for transactions where the Invoice Date falls within the specified date range.
See the Supported tables for text extract to Birst topic for the date that is used to select records for extraction.
See the Infor Distribution Analytics for Birst Administration Guide for the list of supported data load sources for Birst domains.
- Tables to Extract
Specify all to extract all supported database tables.
Otherwise, specify the database table name to extract. To extract multiple tables, separate each table name by a comma. For example, apss, apsv.
- Days to Extract
Specify the number of days to extract data up to the current date. For example, to extract data that was added in the last week, specify 7. This is calculated as today's date minus Days to Extract. The value in each table record's transdttmz field is validated to determine if it falls within this period. If the record does not have a transdttmz field, the transdt field is used.
This is useful if you run the SA Data Extraction for Data Lake and Birst to create incremental data loads.
- Extract Type: (B)ulk, (T)ext File, (D)ataLake
If you are running CloudSuite Distribution, select DataLake to extract tables to send to the Infor Data Lake repository.
To send data in text file format to be used by Birst, or, if you are running Distribution SX.e on-premises, select Text File.
To create a bulk file for an initial load or a new load after data has been purged, select (B)ulk.
- Text Data Extract File Directory
Specify a file directory in which to save the extracted files, or leave this field blank to use the default directory.
If you are running Distribution SX.e on-premises, the default directory is the System File Location in SA All Company Information Setup.
Specifying an alternate file location may be necessary if your Birst extract files are too large for the default directory. You can specify a different full directory path to replace the default directory. For example, /dv/extract. You can also specify a subdirectory within the default directory. For example, if you specify /extract as the extract directory, and your SA All Company Information Setup System File Location directory is /rd/tmp, files are loaded in the /rd/tmp/extract directory.
For CloudSuite Distribution environments, the default directory, /reports/[TENANT], cannot be changed. However, you can append a subdirectory to this path to isolate your Birst extract files. For example, you can specify /extract in the Text Data Extract File Directory field and the files are loaded in the /reports/[TENANT]/extract directory.
- Include Table Name in Headers
Leave the default setting of Yes. This field is reserved for future use.
- Text File Extension: (C)SV or (T)XT
This field is reserved for future use.
- File Delimiter: (C)omma or (P)ipe
This field determines the delimiter character between fields in a text extract.
If you select Text as the Extract Type for an Distribution SX.e on-premises environment, then you must select Pipe as the File Delimiter.