Sales Order Entry - Customer Order Settings field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
Actual Manufacturer Shipment

If you know the date that the manufacturer shipped the order to your customer, specify that date. The shipment date is used to calculate the Expected Commission Payment date. When you specify a value in the Actual Manufacturer Shipment field, the Manufacturer Order Status is changed to Manufacturer Shipped.

Allow Back Orders

Select this option to automatically create back orders for line items that have less available quantity than ordered quantity. The stage at which the back order is created is based on the Create OE Back Orders At Stage setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.

The default status of this option is from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record.

Allow Substitutes

Select this option if the customer accepts substitute and upgraded products.

If the option is selected and the available quantity is less than ordered quantity, you can select a substitute or upgraded product to include on the order instead of the ordered product. If substitute, upgraded, or supersede product is selected, the original product is also included on the acknowledgment and invoice.

To use substitute and upgraded products on sales orders, these setups are required:

  • The Fill Subs and Supersedes option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders must be selected.
  • Substitute and upgrade products must be set up in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.

The default status of this option is from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record.


The approval status of the order is displayed in this field. If the value is something other than y, the order is on hold and cannot be further processed until the hold(s) is removed.

The Approval field functions differently depending on whether you use legacy hold codes or operational hold codes. Your ability to process hold codes depends on your operator security. If you use legacy hold codes, the value in this field can be y or a valid hold code. If you use operational hold codes, the value in this field is either y or n. You cannot edit this field directly. Operational hold codes are released on the Operational Hold Code Approval page, which is accessed by clicking the right arrow if present. The value in this field changes to y after the last operational hold code is released.

Except for Correction (CR) orders, the default value in this field is based on the Default Order Approval Type field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. The approval type for CRs is y, for yes.

If the approval type for an order is changed, the change also applies to a tied Value Add (VA) order. If the order is on credit hold because line items were added, VA orders tied to existing lines also go on hold, if the original approval types on both orders match.

Orders in Stages 1-3 that are not yet invoiced are included in the job-to-date total sales during credit checking. This total is checked against the preliminary lien amount to ensure that the job credit limit is not exceeded.

If one of these conditions occur, the order is automatically placed on hold, even if the default approval type is y. A warning is displayed, but you can finish the order.

  • The customer is over their credit limit.
  • The current date is past the customer's Open Date.
  • The current date is before the customer's Hold Date.
  • A period balance exists in hold period.

If you approve an order, the sales order is validated against Product Restriction Setup records to prevent restricted products from being sold to an unauthorized customer. Specify an appropriate location based on your Incoterms recommended workflow. The ship to address and the requested ship date are also validated. If a product restriction applies to the order, an error message is displayed. Restricted product errors must be addressed to finish the approved order. If you do not address the errors, you can suspend the order or place it on hold.

This field must be added to the UI through Personalization.

Back Order Limit

Use this field to override the default back order limit from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record. If a back order limit is not set up for a customer or ship to, the default value is 0 to indicate that there is no limit.

Specify the number of back orders that can be created for the sales order. If the limit is reached, the disposition of the back order with the suffix that matches the limit is changed to Ship Complete. No additional back orders are created. For example, if the limit is 5, the disposition for back order number XXXXXX-05 is changed to Ship Complete.

A value between 0-98 is valid. You cannot specify a back order limit that is less than the suffix of the order.

If an order has multiple suffixes, ensure that you change the back order limit on the latest order suffix. For example, if an order has suffix -00 through -04, adjust the back order limit on order -04. If the order meets one of these conditions, you cannot change the back order limit:

  • The order disposition is Ship Complete or Just in Time.
  • The Allow Back Orders option is not selected.
  • The transaction type is Direct Order, Return Merchandise, or Correction.

This field must be added to the UI through Personalization.

BT Print

Disregard this option. It is not required to send invoices to Billtrust.

Cancelled Date

Specify a canceled date to ensure that the order, such as a quote order, are not outstanding indefinitely. Canceled orders are inactive and maintained in Stage 9.

The default value in this field is based on the Default Cancel Date on Quotes setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.

Each time the Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report is run, the cancel date is checked on all orders. An order is canceled and all corresponding updates that have occurred are reversed if these conditions are met:

  • The cancel date on the order matches today's date.
  • The order is in Stage 0-Entered or Stage 1-Ordered.

After an order leaves Stage 1, it cannot be canceled even if it has a valid cancel date on the order header.

Customer PO #

The customer's purchase order number. The value is included on all pick tickets, acknowledgments, and invoices.

If Require Purchase Order # is selected on the customer record, the customer PO number is required.

The Duplicate Customer PO's setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings determines if you can use duplicate PO numbers. If Allow is selected, you can enter a duplication customer PO number. If Allow with Warning is selected, a list of sales orders with the duplicate customer PO is displayed. Click Yes to continue.

If No is selected, this message is displayed when you try to enter, maintain, or copy an order: Customer PO# Already Exists (5682). You must specify a new purchase order number to continue.

Validation of the customer PO does not occur for Return Merchandise (RM) or Correction (CR) orders.

If you are integrated with Infor Service Management, a value may be displayed in Customer PO #. For example, if a Service Management customer purchase order number is added to the service order, that value is sent in the Sync.ServiceOrder BOD to Distribution SX.e and is displayed in this field. This value is informational only.

Default Contract #
This field defaults from the Order Entry - Initiate screen. You must use Personalization to add the Default Contract # field to the user interface.
Deferred Bill Date

Use this field to bill the customer for the order on a future date. You can invoice process the order now and record the sale, but the customer is not billed for the order until the bill date is reached. Accounts Receivable is updated for the invoice amount, but the customer's terms is based on the bill date.

For example, you can offer to bill your customer 30 days from now if they purchase the products today. In this scenario, specify 30 days from today's date in the field

You can use this field only if Yes is selected for the Allow Override of Invoice Terms Override option on your SA Operator Setup record.

Delivery Print Price

Used in conjunction with the Require OE Entry field in Customer Setup-Ordering, add this field if you want customer service representatives (CSRs) to specify the price to be printed on the Delivery Document.

Delivery Print Price is an optional field in Distribution SX.e. To ensure this field is displayed, add the field using the Personalization options in Sales Order Entry. If you require CSRs to specify the Delivery Print Price, but do not ensure this field displays, CSRs receive an error and cannot complete customer order settings.

The order disposition is printed on pick tickets to indicate how the warehouse should handle the order. Select one of these options:

  • None: The customer does not have a preference as to how the order is handled.
  • Ship Complete: The products are staged and held, including back-order products, until the entire order is ready to ship. Ship Complete might be selected by default, based on these settings:
    • Back Order Limit on this page
    • Back Order Limit in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup
    • Back Order Ship Complete in Product Warehouse Description Setup-Extended
  • Tag & Hold: The order is tagged with the customer name, address, and order information. It is held until the customer requests delivery or make other arrangements.
  • Will Call: The order is held for the customer until they pick it up. A deadline for pickup is usually placed on the order, after which the order is canceled, and the products are returned to inventory.
  • Just in Time: The order or individual line items are shipped on a date that was requested by the customer. You specify the requested ship date and the promise date, which is the date you are committing to, at the header level. The dates from the header are used at the line level, but they can be overridden.

A default order disposition can be set up in Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup.

Expected Commission Payment

This reflects the date by which the expected commission is due to be paid by the manufacturer. This is a calculated field, based on the terms of the order and the Requested Ship Date. If you specify a date in the Actual Manufacturer Shipment field, the Expected Commission Payment is recalculated based on the shipment date and the terms of the order.

Note: The terms are updated based on the manufacturer customer, or, the Invoice To customer if one is assigned to the manufacturer customer in Customer Setup.
Extended Shipping Instructions

Specify shipping instructions, such as “Do not use peanuts” or “Ship UPS ground if over 10 lbs”, for packing and shipping clerks.

Extended shipping instructions on a blanket order are included on blanket releases that created in Sales Blanket Release Entry, but can be overridden.

The extended shipping instructions are included on the Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report and Sales Order Master List Report.

Note: This field is independent of the Instructions field.
Freight Billing Account

The account to charge for the freight.

Freight Billing Address

The address of the entity that is paying the freight. These address fields become available when you specify freight terms for third-party billing.

Freight Billing Name

The name of the entity that is paying the freight.

Freight Inbound and Freight Outbound

Select an option to require Addon 1 and Addon 2 from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record on the order. The options might be selected by default, based on the Required Freight In and Required Freight Out options on customer and ship to records.

When automatic freight allocation is enabled in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Invoice Defaults, Freight Outbound is set in Sales Order Entry based on the sales order's freight terms type. Freight Outbound is selected when the freight terms type is Prepay and Add.

Freight inbound and freight outbound are reserved addons in the SA Order Entry Addon Setup record. The descriptions are initially set to freight in and freight out, but they can be changed. If either the Freight Inbound or Freight Outbound option is selected, both addons are listed on the Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals-Addons page, regardless of the description. Do not try to use addon 1 and 2 for any other purpose than freight inbound and freight outbound.

Freight Terms

Accept the default setting or specify the freight terms that indicate who is paying the freight bill. The default setting is set up in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup. If automatic freight allocation is enabled, this is a required field.

Freight terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Freight terms can be Incoterms, or user-defined values.

If you have assigned Incoterms in Customer Setup-Ordering or Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering using the Freight Terms and Transfer Location fields, the Incoterm values are displayed by default. Accept or override the default value, based on your Incoterms recommended work flow. If this field is blank, it is likely that you have not assigned Incoterms to this vendor. Only specify an Incoterm here, based on your Incoterms recommended work flow.

Fulfillment Order

If this option is selected, the order is a blanket order that is flagged as a fulfillment order. This option is read only when it is selected. If you created a blanket order, you can select this option to flag the blanket order as a fulfillment order. To change another type of order to a fulfillment order, you must copy the order as a fulfillment order.

Line Reference

Use this field to categorize orders or keep track of orders that are generated by promotions. If you specify job information in Customer Ship To Setup-Job, the ship to location is the default value in this field. If you delete the ship to record when you are still maintaining or adding to the order, the order is closed and cannot be maintained until the ship to record is restored.

Manufacturer Order Status

This field displays the status of the Manufacturer Rep order.

Ordered is displayed when the order is created. When the Actual Manufacturer Shipment date is specified, Manufacturer Shipped is displayed. When the order invoice is paid in Customer Cash Receipt Entry, the status is updated to Paid.

Order Rep 1-5

Up to five additional salesreps can be specified for the sales order. These are defaulted from Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup. They can be overridden. These salesreps are in addition to the Inside and Outside Salesreps and can be used when more than two salesreps are involved in a job or sales order. Each salesrep must be set up in Sales Salesrep Setup.

You can also specify order reps on a specific line item in Sales Order Entry-Advanced Line Entry.

For each Order Rep 1-5 you specify, you can also specify an Order Rep Percent commission rate.

Order Rep Percent 1-5

For each Order Rep you specify for this sale, you can also specify a commission rate in the corresponding Order Rep Percent field. Order reps percent values are defaulted from Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup. They can be changed or deleted.

Note: No calculations are performed using the commission percent values you specify in the Order Rep Percent 1-5 fields. These values can be extracted from the sales order line table for ad hoc reporting in Birst. They are also included in the SalesOrder BOD.
Order Taken By

The initials of the user that took the order. You can use this information if a dispute arises.

This field is read-only if Yes is selected in the Limit Order Scope Take By field on the user's SA Operator Setup record.

Original Promise Date

The Original Promise Date defaults on the order header and line exactly as the Promise Date. Both are based on these settings:

  • Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings
  • End of Day Cutoff and weekend ship days in Product Warehouse Product Setup

The Allow Override of Original Promise Date setting on your SA Operator Setup-OE Entry Options record determines whether you can change the Original Promise Date on a sales order header or line in maintenance mode. If Yes is selected, you can change the Original Promise Date when the order is accessed in Maintenance mode.

When the original promise date is changed, the promise date is also changed. If the original promise date on a line is changed, the promise date for that line only is updated.

If No is selected for the Allow Override of Original Promise Date setting, you can only change the Original Promise Date field when the order is first created.

If the order has a disposition of Just In Time (JIT), any change to the line's Original Promise Date is applied to the Promise Date on the line and the Promise Date and Original Promise Date on the order header. If the Original Promise Date is changed on the header, this message is displayed:
Flush Required Ship, Promised, And Orig Promised Dates
You can then apply the date change to all lines, all lines equal to the original, or none.

The Promise Date, not the Original Promise Date, determines when a pick ticket is printed and the order is shipped.

Our Records Only Invoice

Select this option on any order type to prevent invoices from printing automatically when the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, Sales Demand Invoices Report, or Sales Consolidated Invoice Report is run. The sales order is still processed by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, but output, including print, email, fax, EDI, or Billtrust output, is not generated. Additionally, the number of times the invoice printed is not incremented. After a sales order is invoiced processed, you cannot change the Our Records Only Invoice option on the sales order.

If this option is selected, you can still print the invoice using the print function in Sales Order Entry, or by specifying the sales order number in the list for the Enter a List of Order #s option in the Sales Demand Invoices Report. You cannot print a flagged sales order by including it in the range of order numbers specified on a Sales Demand Invoices Report.

This option is not selected by default. If an order is copied and this option is selected, the option is not selected on the new order.

To use this option, the Allow For Our Records Only Invoice option on your SA Operator Setup record must be set to Yes.

This field must be added to the UI through Personalization.

Out of City

Use the Out of City option only with the Sovos GTD tax application interface. Select this option if the address is outside of the city limits and may be subject to taxes applied by additional taxing districts.

Price Level

This value represents the price level that is associated with PD Pricing Setup records. It determines what default price level is used on the sales order. If you specify 0, the price corresponds to the base price or list price from Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Price on Acknowledgment/Invoice

Select this option to print prices on acknowledgments and invoices.

Print Price on Pick Ticket

Select this option to print the price of each product on the pick ticket. Because the pick ticket should not be used as an invoice, pricing information is generally not required on this document. If you use the pick ticket as a packing slip, a customer might request that the prices are included. The default status of this option is based on the Pick Print Price option setting in Customer Setup-Ordering.

Promise Date

Specify the date that you can ship the products on the order. This date differs from the requested date, which is the date the customer requested that you ship the products.

The date is determined by these settings:

  • Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings
  • End of Day Cutoff and weekend ship days in Product Warehouse Product Setup

When you create an order, the promise date and the original promise date are the same. If you change the original promise date on the order header, the promise date is also changed. If you change the original promise date on a line item, the promise date for that line only is updated.

The promise date, not the original promise date, is used to determine when a pick ticket is printed and the order is shipped.


Specify a reference that applies to the order. You can manually specify a reference or use the lookup to select a reference that was set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

For Direct Orders (DO), specify reference before you enter the line items so that the reference is copied to purchase orders or warehouse transfers. For automatic warehouse transfers that created for alternate warehouses, Automatic WT is displayed Reference field.

Requested Ship Date

The date the customer requests the order to be shipped.

The requested ship date is calculated, based on today's date and these settings:

  • Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings
  • End of Day Cutoff and weekend ship days in Product Warehouse Product Setup

If the Requested Ship Date field is overridden and the Disposition is Just in Time (JIT) or None, the promise date is updated if line items have not been added to the order. On all other disposition types, the Promised Date and Requested Ship Date fields can be edited.

The Requested Ship Date can be different for each line item on a JIT order. If you change a line's Original Promise Date, that change is applied to the Promise Date on the line and the Promise Date and Original Promise Date on the order header. If the Original Promise Date is changed on the header, this message is displayed:
Flush Required Ship, Promised, and Original Promised Dates
You can then apply the date change to all lines, all lines equal to the original, or none.

When invoices, bills of lading, and pick tickets are printed, you can print the documents in delivery route, day, or stop order.

Default values are from the Route/Day/Stop field on the Customer Ship To Setup or Customer Setup record. If a ship to is not required, the values is from Customer Setup, but can be overridden.

When the Route/Day/Stop field is set up on the customer record, all seven positions, excluding the slashes, must be used. The format for the Route/Day/Stop is 3/2/2. For example, if your Route/Day/Stop is ---/10/-- on the customer record, you must enter spaces for the blank positions to correctly identify the order in which the documents print.

To sort pick tickets, invoices, or bills of lading by customer number, enter the customer number in the Route/Day/Stop field in Customer Setup.

Sales Rep In

The sales representative or customer service representative, who works inside the company, who should receive credit for the order.

The default value is from one of these records:

  • Customer Ship To Setup
  • Customer Setup
  • SA Operator Setup

If an inside sales rep is not specified on the ship to, customer, or operator setup record, the initials of the signed in user are used. The user must have a record in Sales Salesrep Setup. If the user is not set up as a sales rep, Sales Manager analysis reporting shows the operator as invalid.

Sales Rep Out
The sales representative, who works outside of the company, that should receive credit for the order. All orders must include an outside sales representative. The default value for this field is from either the Customer Ship To Setup or Customer Setup record.
Ship Via

The method by which the order is shipped. Ship via values are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. The default value on the order is from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup records, but it can be overridden. If you interface with a 3rd party shipping application or TWL, this is a required field.

Alternate Ship Via

When you set up and use Alternate Ship Via functionality, and in case you specify an invalid ship via in an order, a shorter and more refined list of ship via to use is displayed in the Sales Order Entry screen, based on the warehouse and shipping zip code of the order. By default, the alternate ship via functionality is not enabled. Select Use Alternate Ship Via option in the SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings screen to enable this functionality.

When you use Alternate Ship Via functionality, by default, the ship via that you specify in the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup screens is displayed.

If both Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup screens have ship via values, then the ship via in the Customer Ship To Setup screen takes precedence.

If the Enable Alternate Ship Via option in the Product Warehouse Description Setup screen is selected for the warehouse of the order, then the Ship Via field in the Sales Order Entry screen is mandatory and cannot be blank.

If the Ship Via Locked option is selected in the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup screens, then the Ship Via field is disabled, and you cannot select a different ship via. The alternate ship via list is also not available. Existing orders that have a ship via which is different from one that is currently locked, retain the original value and the ship via is not changed to a currently locked ship via value.

If you specify a blank ship via or a ship via which fails validation, then the alternate ship via list is displayed. You must select from the list. Optionally, you can use the Ellipse button adjacent to the Ship Via field to view the alternate ship via list.

When the alternate ship via list is displayed, the ship via in the list may vary. Ship via in the list are displayed based on the current value in the Ship Via field. Each ship via in the field prompts its other alternatives to be displayed in the list. Therefore, different alternatives are displayed for different ship via in the field. For example, if you enter ABC ship via, the alternatives for ABC are displayed, but a ship via of XYZ displays alternatives for XYZ.

If the Enable Alternate Ship Via option in the Product Warehouse Description Setup screen is selected for the warehouse of the order, and you change the order’s shipping zip code, then the ship via is validated. If that ship via is not locked in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup, and the ship via is no longer deemed valid because of the changed zip code, then alternate ship via list is presented. You must select the ship via from the displayed list.

Shipping Instructions

Shipping instructions are special instructions that are required to ship the order to the customer. The shipping instructions print on all pick tickets and invoices.

Default shipping instructions are from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record. This field can be used for other user-defined purposes.


The terms for this order. Terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Terms and are assigned to customers in Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup. The order terms can be overridden if the Allow Override of Invoice Terms is selected in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options.

Note: Terms can also be calculated and overridden at the order line level. If the Override option is selected in SA Table Code Value Setup-Terms for the default terms, and you have security in SA Operator Setup, you can override the value in the Terms field on the Sales Order Entry line.
Transfer Location

The named destination, port of discharge, port of destination, or port of shipment. The transfer location is paired with freight terms to assign Incoterms. If you specify an Incoterm in the Freight Terms field, we recommend that you also specify the transfer location. Specify an appropriate location, based on your Incoterms recommended work flow.

Vendor Return Authorization #

The return authorization number for the vendor. If the value is displayed in this field, the number was specified on the Create Order-Return Merchandise page when the order was created. You can override the value.

This value is copied to the line level, but you can override it.

If the return reason is vendor, this value is copied to the tied Purchase Order Return Merchandise (PO RM) order. If you change the value on either document, the values are not synchronized.