Prebuilt kit handling in Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report
The Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report must be generated for item going into inventory, including prebuilt kit assembly transactions. If one of these values is selected in the Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders, the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report is generated during the final update in KP Work Order Center Entry:
- Fill Back Orders
- Allocation Report
- Receipts Report
In Product Warehouse Product Setup, these quantities are updated:
- On Hand and On Order quantities for the kit product
- On Hand and Committed or Reserved quantities for the components
If None is selected in the Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option, Costs On Hand quantity is already updated, so further updating is not required. A kit disassemble or negative component transaction affects the Product Warehouse Product Setup records by adding the component quantity to the On Hand quantity.