Customer Payment Reversal Entry - Payment Reversal detail field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


Required. The default value is the division that is assigned to the customer. The division security of operator performing the reversal is also considered. The customer division is assigned in Customer Setup-General-Settings-Division. The SA Operator Setup settings dictate which divisions the operator can access. An operator with valid security can change the default value, if required. Only divisions valid for the operator are available from the field. All customer payment transactions require a division, even if the company is not fully divisionalized.

Reversal Description

Optional. Specify details about the reversal. You can specify up to 256 characters.

Reversal Reason

Required. Specify the reason this payment is being reversed. Select from these values: NSF Check, Applied to Wrong Customer(s), Applied to Wrong Invoice(s). If you retain the default, blank, you receive an error.

Additional fields for NSF Check:

# of Previous NSFs

This number is calculated when the Reversal Reason value that was selected during the customer payment reversal is NSF Check. The database field is incremented by 1, even if no NSF fee is charged. The total number of reversals for this customer is shown in this field.

Invoice #

This field is required if a fee is specified in NSF Fee. Specify the invoice number that the fee is to be charged to.


When this setting is specified, a customer invoice transaction is automatically created to add that fee to the reversal. During activation of this feature, a base fee that is charged for return of a non-sufficient fund (NSF) check may have been specified in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Cash Receipts. If no fee was specified for return of a non-sufficient fund (NSF) check, 0.00 is displayed. If a fee was specified, that fee is displayed. This field is not editable if you do not have security.

During activation, if the option, Waive First NSF Fee, was selected, the NSF fee is waived for the first NSF Check reversal. In that scenario, 0.00 is displayed.

An operator with correct security can override this default value. For correct security, the option, Allow NSF Fee Override in ARECR, must be selected SA Operator Setup-Other Options-General Ledger-Accounts Receivable section.


The default value is the Terms code that is assigned to the customer in Customer Setup-General-Billing-Terms. This field is required if a fee is specified in NSF Fee. If necessary, an operator can override this default value by selecting a valid Terms code from the list.

Split Check or Group Customer

This field is displayed if the payment that is created in Customer Cash Receipt Entry is associated with a split check or a customer group. This field is required if a fee is specified in NSF Fee. The default value is based on the Customer Cash Receipt Entry record.

Split Check payments require that the Transaction Type be set to Split Check. Postings are made as Split Check transactions. Each split is posted to a separate set within the journal.

Group payments require that the Transaction Type be set to Payment, Apply Credits, COD, and Miscellaneous Cash. The Apply To type must be set to Group.

One record is created with each reversal. Even thought a split check or group payment affects more than one customer, only one record is created for the reversal. When a reversal is performed, a customer must be specified in the Split Check or Group Customer field. The customer specified incurs any associated NSF fee. Postings are made as Payment, Apply Credits, COD, and Miscellaneous Cash transactions. All postings are done within the same journal and set. If more than one customer must be specified, you must manually adjust the payment to the additional customers.

Additional fields for Applied to Wrong Customer(s):

Correct Customer

Required. A valid Customer must be specified. When the reversal is submitted, an Unapplied Cash transaction is posted to the account for the customer that is specified. You cannot specify the original customer; an error is displayed. If more than one customer must be involved, you must manually adjust the payment to the additional customers.