SA Administrator ION Delete Processed I/O Records Report ranges and options
This report does not have ranges.
- I)nbox, O)utbox, or B)oth?
Specify I to delete records that were created for inbound BODs.
Specify O to delete records that were created for outbound BODs.
Specify B to delete records that were created for inbound and outbound BODs.
- Last Processed Date to Delete
When BODs are processed, records are added to the IOBox database table and assigned a processed date. Specify the last date by which records selected to be deleted should be purged. All processed records up to that date are deleted. The current date defaults.
- Delete Unprocessed Records?
Select Yes to delete records marked as unprocessed. These records are in a pending status. They are in the outbox waiting for final transmission to ION, or are in the inbox waiting to be processed in Distribution SX.e.
Note: Do not run this report to delete unprocessed records as a normal part of your purging routine. Select Yes only when you implement an ION integration and invalid records are created as part of the startup process.