SA Authorization Point Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Field
The field or function that is associated with the authorization point you want to add, change to, delete, or view.
- Function
The authorization point you want to add, change, delete, or view.
- Language
Retain the default language.
- Mode
The mode refers to whether the operator would be adding, changing or deleting the transaction associated with the authorization point. Leave this field blank if the authorization point is not unique to a specific mode or type, but may be a combination of such within the function.
- Point Description
Specify a description of the authorization point you are setting up.
- Screen
The screen name for the authorization point you want to add, change to, delete, or view.
- Standard
This field indicates which sites the report, menu item, authorization point, or error message is valid for. This information is used by the installation routines to customize your software. Select one of these values:
- All: Valid for all sites
- US: Valid for US sites only
- Canada: Valid for Canadian sites only
- Specific: Particular
to the customer siteNote: If you select Specific, those records are not changed during installations and upgrades.
- Trans Type
The transaction type, if applicable, associated with the authorization point.