Product Entry Count Update Report ranges and options
There are no ranges for this report.
- Warehouse
Specify a warehouse. The warehouse must be valid for the run number specified in the Run Number field.
- Run Number
Specify a run number. Run numbers are assigned when count sheets are printed.
- Update? (No to Clear Whse/Run for Reuse)
You cannot reuse a run number until you have either updated it or cleared it. A count run can be updated only one time.
Select Yes to update any quantities counted and serial or lot numbers with changes are updated.
Select No if the run number was run in error or if you are not updating the run number.
- Remove Count File After Updating?
A temporary file is created each time you create a run.
Select Yes to remove the temporary file after you update. If the update is not performed or the update was performed and no errors were encountered for serial and lot products, then this message is displayed: Remove Count File After Updating.
Select No to keep this file for analysis purposes. If you selected Yes to Update?, the count run can be updated only one time. If you keep the file, it is not refreshed.
Note: If the Update and Remove Count File After Updating options are both set to No, the run is not cleared. This exception message prints on the report: Invalid Combination - Either Option 3 or Option 4 Must Be YesOne of those options must be set to Yes to clear the run.
- Posting Date
Specify the posting date.
- Posting Period
Specify the posting period. To go back one period, specify -1 in this field.
- Retain IC Bin Locations?
Select No to add bin locations from count tickets in Product Count Entry to Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Additional Bin Location Setup records. The bin locations that are currently associated with the warehouse product record are retained.
Select Yes to replace the existing bin information on Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Additional Bin Location Setup records with bin locations from count tickets in Product Count Entry.