Sales Order Inquiry field descriptions

If a field is not displayed in the Advanced Search, select it in the Criteria field to make it available.

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


If the Legacy/Operational Hold Approval field is available and you select Operational Hold Codes, then the Approval field becomes unavailable.

Specify a one-character approval code or hold code in this field to limit the search results to orders with that code. The codes that you can use in this field are specified in the Limit Managed Hold Codes field in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-OE Entry Options. If you specify a code that you are not approved to use, then this message is displayed: Operator Security Prohibits Use of this Hold Code (1214).

BackOrder Filter

Use this field to limit orders in the search results by back order status.

Select All to include all orders.

Select BO only to include only back orders.

Select Exclude BO to include all orders except back orders.

Certificate/License ID

Specify a product certificate/license ID to limit the search results to orders with sales order lines for that certificate/license ID. If you specify a certificate/license ID, then you must specify additional search criteria.


Use this field to select additional fields to use in Advanced Search. If you search for these values, then you must specify additional criteria, such as a warehouse, customer, status, or product:

  • Central Distribution Center Status
  • Certificate/License ID
  • Customer Reservations Contract
  • Customer Reservations Override Only
  • Restriction Code
  • Restriction Override Only

If you do not specify additional criteria, then this message is displayed: "Insufficient Search Criteria Selected. Please Include Additional Filter(s) and Resubmit Your Search"

Customer #

Specify a customer number to limit the search results to orders for that customer.

Customer Purchase Order #

This field is displayed when you select Purchase Order in the Criteria field. Specify a customer purchase order number to limit the search results to order associated with that purchase order.

Customer Reservations Contract

Specify a customer reservations contract number to limit the search results to orders with sales order lines for that contract. If you specify a customer reservations contract, then you must specify additional search criteria.

Customer Reservations Override Only

Select this field to limit the search results to orders with an override quantity. These are orders where the customer’s reservation record was short the required quantity and stock was borrowed from another customer’s reservation record. If you use this field, then you must specify additional search criteria.


Use this field to indicate the type of information to be displayed in the grid.

Select Header Info to view the header level information.

Select Line Detail to view the line detail information such as Tied Order # and Tie Type. You can use the hyperlink to view the Tied Order information on the respective screens.


Use this field to limit orders in the search results by disposition. If you select All, then all orders, regardless of the disposition, are included in the search. If you select None, then orders without an assigned disposition are included in the search.


Specify a division to limit the search results to orders created with that division.

Entered From

Specify a date to limit the search results to orders created on or after that date.

Entered To

Specify a date to limit the search results to order created up to but not after the specified date.

Freight Out Required Only

Select this option to limit the search results to orders where freight out was required.

From Submit Date

Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a submission date on or after that date.

Fulfillment Order

Use this field to limit orders in the search results to fulfillment orders.

Select All Orders to include all orders.

Select Fulfillment Orders Only to include only fulfillment orders.

Select Fulfillment Orders Excluded to include all orders except fulfillment orders.

Fulfillment Tied Order

Use this field to limit orders in the search results to fulfillment tie orders.

Select All Orders to include all orders.

Select Fulfillment Tied Orders Only to include only fulfillment tie orders.

Select Fulfillment Tied Orders Excluded to include all orders except fulfillment tie orders.

Invoiced From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders invoiced on or after that date.
Invoiced To
Specify a date to limit the search results to order invoiced up to but not after the specified date.
Legacy/Operational Hold Approval

This field is displayed when these criteria are met:

  • Operational hold codes are activated.
  • You selected Legacy/Operational Hold Approval in the Criteria field

Use this field to search for orders with legacy hold codes or operational hold codes. If you search for legacy hold codes, then use the Approval field to search for a specific approval type or hold code. You must use the Criteria field to access the Approval field. If you search for operational hold codes, then the Operational Hold Codes field automatically becomes available. Use it to search for specific operational hold code.

Line Type

Select one or more line types to include in the search. If you do not select value, then all values are used in the search. If you select one or more values but not all values, then the Display field is disabled with the default value of Line Detail.

Operational Hold Codes

This field is displayed when these criteria are met:

  • Operational hold codes are activated.
  • You selected Legacy/Operational Hold Approval in the Criteria field
  • You selected Operational Hold Codes in the Legacy/Operational Hold Approval field.

Select an operational hold code to limit the search results to orders that contain the code.

Picked From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders selected from the specified date.
Picked To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders selected until the specified date.

Specify a product to limit the search results to orders for that product. The product does not have to exist in your inventory. You can specify a catalog product, a non-stock product, or a customer product number, barcode, supersede, or interchange defined in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.

If the product that you specify is not set up in Product Setup, then Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup is used to cross-reference it to one of your inventory products. If you specify an interchange or barcode product name and the product has a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record, then this message is displayed: Cross Reference Product Selected For Use (cross reference type). The type of product, interchange or barcode, is included with the message. Crossref is displayed below the Customer Purchase Order # field to indicate a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record is being used, and the product name is changed.

You must have the auto lookup feature activated to successfully enter an interchange product. If the auto lookup feature is not activated when you enter an interchange product, then non stock is displayed. If you close the Sales Order Inquiry and access the function again, then the interchange product is displayed correctly.

If you specify a customer product number, then the field is changed to the cross-referenced product. Crossref is displayed below the Customer PO field, but no message is displayed.

If these conditions are met, then the products that are available in the Product lookup are determined by customer values:

  • You specify a customer in the Advanced Search before you access the Product field.
  • Customer cross-reference records are set up in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.

Catalog products and stocked products can be cross-referenced. A window is displayed when a catalog interchange product is specified. When you accept the default of yes, the catalog interchange product and this message are displayed: Cross Reference Product Selected For Use (Catalog-Interchg).

Leave the Product field blank to display information for all orders. If no product is specified, then the value of the line item is displayed in the far right column instead of the quantity. If notes exist for this product, then an asterisk (*) or exclamation point (!) is displayed next to the product. If an exclamation point is displayed, then the notes is required and you should review it before continuing.

Product Type

Use this field with the product field to limit the search results to order line items, kit components, tally components or implied core products.

Select Product on Orders Only to include orders with the product. When you select Product on Orders Only, a line level search is performed. This type of search returns results faster than the All Orders and Kit Components option which searches components before searching lines.

Select Product used as Kit Component to include only orders with kit component products.

Select Product used as Tally Component to include only orders with tally component products.

Select Product used an Implied Core to include only orders with implied core products. When you select Product used as an Implied Core, you can also specify the type of core product and a time period in months.

Select All Orders and Kit Components to include all orders and kit components.

Promised From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders promised to ship from the warehouse on or after that date.
Promised To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders promised to ship from the warehouse up to but not after the specified date.
Record Limit
Specify the number of records to include in the search results.
Specify reference information to limit the search results to orders with that information.
Requested Ship From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a customer requested ship date on or after that date.
Requested Ship To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a customer requested ship date up to but not after the specified date.
Restriction Code
Specify a restriction code to limit the search results to orders with that restriction code. If you specify a restriction code, then you must specify additional search criteria.
Restriction Override Only
Select this option to limit the search results to order where a product restriction override was used. If you select this field, then you must specify additional search criteria.
Sales Rep External
Specify the external sales rep initials to limit the search results to orders that are assigned to that sales rep.
Sales Rep Internal
Specify the internal sales rep initials to limit the search results to orders that are assigned to that sales rep.
Sales Warehouse
Specify a warehouse to limit the results to orders with that originating warehouse when the order is created for a different warehouse.
Saved Searches
If you have saved previous search criteria, then select your saved search to use the same search parameters.
Ship To
Specify a customer ship to number to limit the search results to orders for that customer ship to address.
Ship Via
Select Ship Via type to limit the search results to orders shipped by the selected carriers for the specified period of time.
Note: To search the historical data for this field before 2023.10, you must run the SA Report Word Index Rebuilt report and rebuild the OEEH index to load this data for the first time. Later, orders are loaded automatically.
Shipped From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with an actual ship date on or after that date.
Shipped To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with an actual ship date up to but not after the specified date.
Show Only Direct Order Lines
Select this option to limit the search results to orders with direct order, also known as drop ship lines.
Select an order stage to limit the search results to orders in that stage.
Suspended Only
Select this option to limit the search results to orders that are suspended in Sales Order Entry. The Suspended /Floor Plan column displays an ‘s’ for suspended orders or an ‘f’ for Floor Plan orders.
Taken By
Specify initials to limit the search results to orders that were taken by that individual.
Tied Order #
Click the hyperlink to review the tied order. You must set the Display field in the Advance Search pop-up to the option Line Detail to view the Tied Order # field in the results grid. You can use Personalization to remove the field from the screen.
Tie Type
The type of tied order. You must set the Display field in the Advance Search pop-up to the option Line Detail to view the Tie Type field in the results grid. You can use Personalization to remove the field from the screen.
To Submit Date
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a submission date up to but not after the specified date.
Tracker #
Specify a tracker number to limit the search results to orders with that tracker number. Tracking documents are created in the Overseas Trade (OT) module. They track individual purchase orders or purchase order lines that are being shipped from an overseas vendor. The third-party shipping application also creates tracker numbers that you can use to limit your search.
Transaction Types
Select a transaction type to limit the search results to that type of order transaction. Select Select All to display all orders, regardless of transaction type.
Specify a warehouse to limit the search results to orders for that warehouse.
Warehouse Transfer Billed Orders
Use this field to limit orders in the search results to warehouse transfer billed orders.
Select All to include all orders.
Select Billed Only to include only warehouse transfer billed orders.
Select Exclude Billed to include all orders except warehouse transfer billed orders.