SA Administrator Options - Customers - Defaults field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetic order.
Copy To ShipTo When Customer Maintained

To activate this option, select from the list of fields to copy in the grid. The fields represent values that, when changed in Customer Setup, are to be copied to the same fields in the corresponding Customer Ship To Setup records. For those fields you do not want copied to Customer Ship To Setup, leave the Selected option unchecked.

These fields can be selected:

SA Administrator Option field name SA Administrator Option label Customer Ship To Setup view Customer Ship To Setup label
disccd Disc Level Ordering Line Discount
eacktype Elec. Acknowledgement Type eCommerce Acknowlegments (EDI 855)
easntype Advance Shipping Notice Type eCommerce Advance Shipping Notice (EDI 856)
einvtype Elec. Invoice Type eCommerce Invoices (EDI 810)
eproptype Elec. Proposal Type eCommerce Proposals
frttermscd Freight Terms Ordering Freight Terms
pdcustno PD Custno Ordering Pricing and Discounting Customer #
pricecd Price Level Ordering Price Level
pricetype Price Type Ordering Price Type
rebatety Rebate Type Ordering Rebate Type
shipviaty Ship Via Ordering Ship Via
spcdefaultty SPC Default Ordering Order Entry Special Price Costing Default
termstype Terms General Terms
wodisccd Order Disc Ordering Order Discount

If a field in the Customer Ship To Setup record is manually maintained previously, it is still overwritten with Customer Setup value for that field. This update occurs if any selected field in Customer Setup is changed. If certain fields are routinely different on most Customer Ship To Setup records, those field should not be selected for updating.

To allow the update of Customer Ship To Setup fields for the majority of ship to records, but prevent it for select records, select the Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained in Customer Ship To Setup. When you select Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained, any changes to the selected fields are not copied to that Customer Ship To Setup record from the master Customer Setup record. If the Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained option is not selected, all selected fields for the Copy to ShipTo When Customer Maintained option are copied to Customer Ship To Setup when the master Customer Setup record is maintained.

Note: These fields control the values that are copied to existing Customer Ship To Setup records when Customer Setup is maintained. They do not control the fields that are defaulted when a new record is created.
Use Customer Income Statement Accounts

Select this option to enable posting to GL income accounts defined in Customer Setup-General Ledger during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. The customer’s GL income accounts are updated rather than the GL accounts set up in Product General Ledger Distribution Setup.

If this option is not selected, the GL Income accounts fields are not displayed in Customer Setup.

Validate Duplicate Lookup Name

If you are using divisionalized accounting, select this option to check for duplicate Lookup Names in all Customer Setup records within a division when you create or maintain a Customer Setup record. This ensures that customers are unique within divisions.

Validation also occurs when a customer record is created or maintained by an external application using an API call or the CustomerPartyMaster BOD. If an Alternate Customer ID is sent in a customer maintenance API call or in the User Area of the Sync CustomerPartyMaster BOD, this value updates the Lookup Name in Customer Setup.

If a duplicate Lookup Name is found in any Customer Setup record in the division identified for the customer, an error is displayed and the record is not created or maintained. If you receive the duplicate lookup name error when creating or copying a customer record, you can change the division number. This ensures the Lookup Name is the same for the customer in a different division.

This option is not available if you are not using Divisionalized accounting. This is determined by the Divisional option in SA Company Setup.