PI Administrator Change Supplier Group ranges and options


New Supplier Group

Specify a new supplier group. When this supplier group does not exist, a SA Table Code Value Setup-Price/Cost Units record is created for it. If you specify a value in the Old Supplier Group option, it may be changed to the new supplier group.

Old Supplier Group

If you specify a value in this option, it is changed to the new supplier group on these records meeting the criteria specified in the ranges and options:

  • Product Setup
  • Product Catalog Setup
  • PI New Product Default Setup
  • PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup
  • PI Entry Edit File

If this option is left blank, all records meeting the criteria specified, and have no supplier group, are loaded with the value in New Supplier Group: Product Setup, Product Catalog Setup, and PI Entry Edit File

If this field is left blank, then the PI New Product Default Setup and PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup records are not changed.

If Blank, Overwrite Existing PI Group?

You may have left the Old Supplier Group option blank. If so, select No to have only certain records with a blank supplier group be loaded: Product Setup, Product Catalog Setup, and PI Entry Edit File. If you specify Yes, the field is loaded with the new supplier group value, even if the field already contains a value.

Change ICSP Records?

Options 4 through 6 determine what Product Setup records are changed. If you select Yes, then eligible Product Setup records may be further filtered by changing only active Product Setup records. Be aware that electing to change either inactive or all Product Setup records may significantly increase processing time.

Change ICSC Records?

Options 4 through 6 determine what Product Catalog Setup records are changed. If you select Yes, then eligible Product Catalog Setup records may be further filtered by changing only active Product Catalog Setup records. Be aware that electing to change either inactive or all Product Catalog Setup records may significantly increase processing time.

Change PIED Records?

Options 4 through 6 determine what PI Entry Edit File records are changed. If you select Yes, then eligible PI Entry Edit File records may be further filtered by changing only active PI Entry Edit File records. Be aware that electing to change either inactive or all PI Entry Edit File records may significantly increase processing time.

(A)ctive, (I)nactive or (B)oth?

Specify Active to change all active PI Entry Edit File records. Specify Inactive to change all inactive PI Entry Edit File records. Specify Both to change all PI Entry Edit File records.

Change PI Setups? (PISN, PISP, PIST)

Select Yes to change the supplier group in the Product Import setup records. Only select Yes for this option if you have specified a value in the option Old Supplier Group.

Print Totals Only?

Select Yes to print only customer invoice totals. Selecting No means the customer’s invoice numbers, transaction types, invoice date and due date, journal numbers, and invoice totals also print.