RS Job Group Setup - Job Group Details field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


Specify a brief description that clearly identifies the purpose or contents of this job group.

Job Group

Specify a descriptive name for the job group. Follow your company’s job group naming conventions when assigning a descriptive name to your job group.

Last Change By

The user ID of the operator who last updated this job group record, and the date and time is was updated.

Last Run Date

This shows the last date the job group was run.

Last Run Time

This show the last time the job group was run.


Specify or look up the name of the queue you want to assign this job group to.

Schedule Type

Specify the schedule type you want to assign to this job group. Schedule types are user-defined and set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

Start Date

Specify the date on which you want Report Scheduler to process this group.

Start Time

Specify the time at which you want Report Scheduler to process this job on the date specified. Use the time chooser to select the time from drop-down fields. If you are operating in the United States, specify the time in 12-hour increments and use the AM or PM designation.