KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report ranges and options


(R)eport Only or (C)reate Work Orders

Specify R to generate a report of the work orders for review only.

Specify C to create work orders.

The report is sorted by product number order in both situations.

Special orders for kit products are not included in the On Order quantity when you run in report only mode. They are included in the On Order quantity when you create work orders.

Initials of User

Specify the user’s initials to process work orders that were created by that user.

Print Usage History?

Select Yes to display usage history.

For all regular products, six months of usage history from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. Occasionally, the usage does equal the usage rate. This occurs if the usage rate is overridden or if the product is frozen and the usage rate is not calculated.

The usage is included unless the usage was manually overridden, then overridden usage is included instead of the usage that was calculated by the Product Administration Month End Processing Report. Each time you manually override the usage for a product, you can enter an override reason. The override reason is displayed next to the overridden usage quantity. If an overridden usage quantity exists but no reason was specified, ** is displayed on the report.

Process Only Specials?

Select Yes to include only special sales orders and warehouse transfers on the report. If you set up prebuilt kits with order-as-needed products as subassembly kit components, work orders are automatically created and tied if demand exists.

Print "Do Not Reorder" Products?

Select Yes to include do not reorder prebuilt kit product information. Do not reorder kit products do not generate a work order. Instead, you receive On Hand information that may indicate the kit should be disassembled. "DNR" is displayed in the Qty Ship column.