Event and trigger list
Events are created by Distribution SX.e and are tied to triggers in the system source code. Each event is attached to one trigger. The events contained in the system can be specific business situations, such as a sales order being deleted, or a generic event, such as a stock order being created.
This table lists the events in the system along with the trigger the event is tied to.
Event Name | Event Description | Event Information | Trigger Name |
ap-apetcu-dirpoaddon | APEI Costing - Direct PO Addons |
This event informs you when Direct PO Addons are used and carried back to Sales Order Entry and all of the following conditions are met at costing:
apetcu-addons |
ap-balchgvendor | AP Balance Change For a Vendor | Informs you when a balance field has been changed for a vendor. This event captures information from the Vendor Entry Maintain Balance and the Vendor Setup records. | balance-changes |
ap-checksviaedi | AP Check Print EDI Processing | Informs you when a vendor check has been printed and processed via EDI. This event runs from Vendor Entry Check Print and captures the vendor information from the Vendor Setup record and some check total information. | apecedi |
ap-delupdtinvoice | AP Delete Updated Invoice | Informs you when an updated invoice is deleted in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. | apeidel |
ap-newvendor | AP Create a New Vendor | Informs you when a new vendor record is created. This event runs from Vendor Setup and captures the vendor number and name of the new vendor. | apsv |
ap-nodisc | AP Vendor Discount Not Taken | Informs you when a vendor invoice had an original discount amount that was not taken, which typically occurs if the discount date has already passed. This event runs from the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report and captures information about the vendor scheduled payment (type 3) record. | apepin |
ap-vendordelete | AP Vendor Delete | Informs you when a vendor record has been deleted. This event runs from Vendor Setup and captures the vendor information. | apsv-venddelete |
api-pdsr-fatal | API PDSR Record Import Record Fatal Error |
Informs you when a rebate document, which was received through an SX.api call, has a fatal error. Details of the error are available in ETCC. |
api-pdsr-import |
api-pdsr-duplicate | API PDSR Record Import Record Duplicates |
Informs you when a rebate document, which was received through an SX.api call, is a duplicate of an existing PD Pricing Setup record. Details of the error are available in ETCC. |
api-pdsr-import |
api-pdsr-error | API PDSR Record Import Record Error |
Informs you when a PD Mass Maintenance Entry record is created from a rebate document that was received through an SX.api call. The record contains an error. Details of the error are available in ETCC and can be corrected in PD Mass Maintenance Entry. |
api-pdsr-import |
api-pdsr-create | API PDSR Record Import Record Create |
Informs you when a PD Pricing Setup record is created from a rebate document that was received through an SX.api call. This event may result in numerous notifications. |
api-pdsr-import |
api-pdsr-summary | API PDSR Record Import Record Summary |
Informs you when a transaction set was received through an SX.api call and processed. Provides a summary of the number of documents processed and the number and type of errors. A transaction set is based on contract number or the temp table of the API transactions. |
api-pdsr-import |
apnetbill-inactiveoe | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, tied sales order inactive | Informs you when a net-billed PO line is tied to a sales order line that is not active. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-nopder | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, no rebate | Informs you when a Vendor on Sales rebate record cannot be found for a sales order line that is tied to a net-billed PO line. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-notie | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, no OE tie | Informs you when the PO line is not tied to an order line. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-notnetbill | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, vendor not set to Net Bill | Informs you when a vendor is not set up for net billing. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-pderstage | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, invalid rebate stage |
Informs you when a Vendor on Sales rebate record for a sales order line that is tied to a net-billed PO line is not in the Entered stage. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-poreceived | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, PO received | Informs you when an internal rebate record (PDER) is found in the Entered stage, but the PO line that is being processed is already received and cannot be net billed. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-tieerror | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, PO line tied to multiple OE lines | Informs you when a net-billed PO line is tied to more than one sales order line. |
apsuppliernetbill |
apnetbill-variance | AP Supplier Invoice - Net Bill, amount variance | Informs you when there is a variance between net bill amount and original rebate amount. |
apsuppliernetbill |
ar-balchgcustomer | AR Balance Change For a Customer | Informs you when a balance field has been changed for a customer. This event captures information from the Customer Maintain Balance Entry and Customer Setup records. | balance-changes |
ar-balchgshipto | AR Balance Change for a Ship To | Informs you when an AR balance for a ship to that has a credit limits has changed. | balance-changes |
ar-chgcreditlimit | AR Credit Limit Change | Informs you when the credit limit for a customer has been changed. This event runs from Customer Setup-Credit and captures the customer information. | arsc-creditscrnchg |
ar-chgcreditlimitgrp | ARSG Credit Limit Change | Informs you when the group credit limit is changed in Customer Master Group Setup. | arsg-creditscrnchg |
ar chgcreditlimitst | ARSS Credit Limit Change | Informs you when the credit limit for a Customer Ship To Setup record has been changed. This event runs from the Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering change routine and captures the customer ship to information. | arss orderscrnch |
ar-chgholdperiod | AR Hold Period Change | Informs you when the Hold Period on the customer’s Customer Setup record has been changed. This event captures the customer information. | arsc-creditscrnchg |
ar-chgholdperiodgrp | ARSG Hold Period Change | Informs you when group hold period is changed. | arsg-creditscrnchg |
ar-chgholdperiodst | ARSS Hold Period Change | Informs you when the Hold Period for a Customer Ship To Setup has been changed. This event runs from Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering change routine and captures the customer ship to information. | arss orderscrnch |
ar-chgselltype | AR Sales Order Status Change | Informs you when the Sales Order status on the customer’s Customer Setup record has changed. This event captures the customer information. | arsc-creditscrnchg |
ar-chgselltypegrp | ARSG Sales Order Status Change | Informs you when group sales order status is changed. | arsg-creditscrnchg |
ar-customerdelete | AR Customer Delete | Informs you when a customer record has been deleted. This event runs from Customer Setup and captures the customer information. | arsc-custdelete |
ar-dnbi-error | AR DNBi Error | Informs you when the DNBi Interface is launched and an error is returned (stored in the SXXMLDOC record). | dnbi-error |
ar-newcust | AR Create a New Customer | Informs you when a new customer record is created. This event runs from the Customer Setup function and captures the customer number and name of the new customer. | arsc |
ar-newgroup | AR create a New Group | Informs you when a new group is created | arsg-new |
ar-newshipto | AR Create a New Customer Ship To |
Informs you when a new customer ship to record is created. This event is run from the Job Management release process and captures the ship to ID and name of the newly created customer ship to. |
arss-create |
ar-newshiptoauth | AR Create New Ship to After Authorization |
Informs you when a new customer ship to record is created by a user who did not have security to add a new ship to but obtained authorization to do so. The record contains minimal information and the event can be used as a prompt that the ship to record needs to be reviewed for completeness. This event is run from Job Management release process and captures the ship to ID and the name of the newly created customer ship to. |
arss-create |
ar-nosalespayment | AR Payment Made By No Sales Customer | Informs you when AR cash posting functions create a payment record for a customer with a Sales Order Status of No in Customer Setup. The event captures information from Customer Transaction Entry and Customer Setup records. | ar-createcheck |
ar-rollbalhldperiod | AR Roll Balances Hold Period Has Balance | Informs you when a customer has a balance in the hold period after you roll balances in Customer Entry Roll Balance Report. Use this event to identify customers that may begin having orders placed on hold due to exceeded period balances. The Autocleanup activities feature is available for this event when you choose to create a CAM activity for the action. | ar-rollbalances |
ar-rollbalhldperst | AR Roll Balances Hold Period Has Balance Ship To | Informs you when a customer Hold Period balance for a ship to that has a credit limit is changed. | ar-rollbalances. |
ar-unapcsh | AR Unapplied Cash | Informs you when unapplied cash is posted through Customer Cash Receipt Entry. The event captures basic information from the unapplied cash transaction record that was created in Customer Transaction Entry. | areceuc |
bp-lostbs | BP Lost Business | Informs you when a Bid Prep bid is sent to lost business. This event captures basic information from the bid. | lostbusbp |
cut-minlength | OE linear cut minimum length |
Informs you when the length of an OE linear cut product piece has gone below the Cut Replenishment Length value specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup. This event runs from Sales Linear Cut Maintenance Entry, and it captures product and cut information. |
cut-lengthaction |
ed-etccccancel | ED ETCC Cancel a Transaction | During an update, informs you when an entire transaction was canceled. | etcc-cancel |
ed-etccerror | ED ETCC Transaction Error | Informs you when a transaction cannot be processed in ETCC due to a fatal error. | etcc-error |
ed-etccsectapprove | ED ETCC Approve a Data Section | Informs you when a transaction section, a header or
detail, was approved. The approval feature is only available for transactions in ETCC. |
etcc-section-approve |
ed-etccsectcancel | ED ETCC Cancel a Data Section | During an update, informs you when a transaction section, typically a line item, was canceled. | etcc-section-cancel |
ed-etccsectchange | ED ETCC Change a Data Section | During an update, informs you when a transaction section
was changed in ETCC. The event only pertains to PO Acknowledgment transactions in ETCC. |
etcc-section-change |
ed-vendsub | PO Vendor Product Substituted | During an update to capture data for product
substitutions, informs you when stock was received on a PO line and the Ship
Product no longer is the same as the Requested Product. The event only pertains to PO Acknowledgment transactions in ETCC. |
edepaln |
gl-balchgglacct | GL Balance Change For a GL Account | Informs you when a balance field is changed for a GL account. This event captures information from the GL Maintain Balance Entry and GL Account Setup records. | balance-changes |
gl-posting | GL Posting | Informs you when a GL transaction posting is made. Since this event occurs for every GL posting, we recommend that you use selection criteria (amount, GL Account #) when activating this event. This event captures information from the GL Transaction Entry and GL Account Setup records. | glupdate |
gl-postingdiffper | GL Posting to a Different Period | Informs you when a GL transaction posting is made to a different period. This event captures information from the GL Transaction Entry and GL Account Setup records. | glupdate |
gl-suspense | GL Suspense Posting | Informs you when a GL transaction posting is created for one of the suspense accounts defined in SA Company Setup. This event captures information from the GL Transaction Entry and GL Account Setup records. The Autocleanup activities feature is available for this event when you choose to create a CAM activity for the action. | glupdate |
ic-auditserlotoob | IC Product Audit Ser/Lot Out of Balance | Informs you when a serial or lot warehouse product is out of balance. This event runs from the Product Warehouse Inventory Audit Report and captures information from the Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records. | icrow-outofbal |
ic-abcoverride | IC Warehouse Product ABC Stratification Override | Informs you when an ABC Stratification override value has been entered or updated in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering. | icsw-abcoverride |
ic-balchgproduct | IC Balance Change For a Product | Informs you when a balance field has been changed for a warehouse product. This event captures information from the Product Entry Maintain Balance, Product Setup, and Product Warehouse Product Setup records. | balance-changes |
ic-icetinvoice | IC Create an Invoice ICET Record | Informs you when an Product Unavailable Inventory Entry record is created for an Invoice type using the manual posting feature. This event captures information from the record. | icet-trans |
ic-icetreceipt | IC Create an Receipt ICET Record | Informs you when an Product Unavailable Inventory Entry record is created for a Receipt type using the manual posting feature. This event captures information from the record. | icet-trans |
ic-icetretnin | IC Create an Return IN ICET Record | Informs you when an Product Unavailable Inventory Entry record is created for a Return IN type using the manual posting feature. This event captures information from the record. | icet-trans |
ic-icetretnout | IC Create an Return OUT ICET Record | Informs you when an Product Unavailable Inventory Entry record is created for a Return OUT type using the manual posting feature. This event captures information from the record. | icet-trans |
ic-icetunavail | IC Create an Unavailable Inv ICET Record | Informs you when an Product Unavailable Inventory Entry record is created for an Unavailable type using the manual posting feature. This event captures information from the record. | icet-trans |
ic-icspmsdsupdate | IC-ICSP MSDS Update | Informs you when the MSDS status has changed for a Product Setup record, or when a Product Setup record is created from a Product Catalog Setup record in Product Setup or Sales Order Entry. | ic-icspmsdsupdate |
Ic-icspstatuschange | IC Status Change For a Product | Informs you when the Status field in the Product Setup record is changed for the product. A product can have a status of active, inactive, labor, or superseded. | icsw-statuschg |
ic-icswforecastreserv | IC-ICSW Status Change - Active Foreca | Informs you when the product type for a product on an active or non-expired reservation or forecast is changed from stock to any other type. | icsw-statuschg |
ic-icswstatus change | IC Status Change For a Warehouse Product |
Informs you when the Status field in the Product Setup record is changed for the product. A product can have a status of active, inactive, labor, or superseded. The status may be changed manually, during PI Entry Edit Product Update, or when a superseded product is created in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup. |
ic newcatalog | IC New Catalog Product Created | Informs you when a new catalog product is created. This event runs from the Product Catalog Setup function and other catalog product creation routines and captures information for the newly created catalog product. | icsc newcatalog |
ic newprod | IC New Product Created | Informs you when a new product record is created. This event runs from Product Setup and other record-creation routines to capture information for the newly created product. | icsp newprod |
ic newwhseprod | IC New Whse Product Created | Informs you when a new warehouse product record is created. This event runs from the Product Warehouse Product Setup function and other record-creation routines to capture information for the newly created product. | icsw newprod |
li-cenposnotify | Login Incomplete CenPOS Transaction | Informs you at login if an incomplete credit card transaction exists. | Login-CCRecover-Check |
jm-approvcstprc | Approval Flag Required for Price/Cost | Informs you when a user has closed a Job Management job that requires cost or price approval as determined at the header level. This event occurs when a JM job is closed (to reduce the number of event notifications). This event runs from the JM job finish routine, and captures JM header (JMEH) information. | jmehfinish |
jm-exceptionrpt | JMEH Date Exception Event | Informs you when a user runs the JM Exceptions Report and identifies JM header records (JMEH) with exceptions. This event runs from the JM Exception Report and provides data from the JMEH record. | jmeh-exceptrpt |
oe-amounthold | OE Amount Hold | If you use operation hold codes, informs you when a sales order is placed on hold because the order amount exceeds the maximum order amount permitted for the operator. | oeetfinish* |
oe-apierrhold | API Order Error Hold | If you use operation hold codes, informs you when a sales order is created through the SXAPI program. The operational hold code for electronically created orders ('e') is applied to the orders, and the approval code is 'N'. If you use the Default Approval Type business rule to set the initial approval type for orders created through the SXAPI program, it is ignored. | oeetfinish* |
oe-bkordlost | OE Backorder Lost | Informs you when an sales order back order has been sent to lost business. This event captures order header information. | oeetcancel* |
oe-bofillallocrpt | OE Backorder Fill Allocation Report | Informs you when an sales order is filled by the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report process and printed on the Allocation or Fill parts of the report. This event runs fromSales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Reportand captures order header information. | oeepb-allocrpt |
oe-bofillspechndl | OE Backorder Fill Spec Handled Rcpt Rept | Informs you when an sales order is filled by the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report process and printed on the Specially Handled Receipts (Non-Stocks and Specials) part of the report. This event runs from Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report and captures order header information. | oeepb-spechndl |
oe-brokentie | OE Broken PO/WT/VA Tie |
Informs you when a sales order line item has been changed and the PO, WT, or VA tie has been broken. Be careful when activating this event since the event will occur on most sales order line items. This event captures order header and line item information. Note: If a tie on a nonstock record is broken, and the buyer is set up to receive notification, no e-mail is sent. In the case of a true nonstock, there is no Product Warehouse Product Setup record and associated Product Line Setup record, in which the buyer's initials are stored. |
oeetlt |
oe-cancelord | OE Cancel an Order | Informs you when a sales order is sent to lost business. This event captures order header information. | oeetcancel* |
oe candeltiedpoord | OE Can/Del with PO still there | Informs you when a sales order is canceled or deleted and there are purchase orders still tied to it. This event runs from the Sales Order Entry cancel or delete order routine and captures order header (OEEH) information and purchase order (POEH) header information. | oeetcandeltiedpoord |
oe-candeltiedwtord | OE Can/Delete With WT Still There | Informs you when an order is canceled or deleted and the order is tied to a warehouse transfer. | oeetcandeltiedwtord |
oe-ccauthhold | OE Credit Card Authorization Hold | If you use operation hold codes, informs you when a sales order is placed on hold until a credit card authorization is performed. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ccfailhold | OE Credit Card Failure Hold | If you use operation hold codes, informs you when a sales order is placed on hold because of a credit card failure issue. This can occur for various reasons. | oeetfinish* |
oe-cfginvalid | OE Line Configurator Invalid Component | Informs you when an invalid nonstock is created in the CPQ product configurator. Applies to build-on-demand kit components. Mandatory fields for ordering are not populated and manual setup is required. This events run from Sales Order Entry. | oeet-cfginvalid |
oe-costover | OE Cost Override | Informs you when the cost for a stock product has been overridden on a sales order line item. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-credapprove | OE Credit Approval of an Order | Informs you when a sales order has been approved (taken off of credit hold). This event captures order header information. | oeet-credapprove |
oe-credhold | OE Credit Hold | If you use legacy hold codes, informs you when a sales
order is saved with an approval code other than 'y'. The order can be on hold
for any reason, including when a credit card is denied through the credit card
processor. The oe-credhold event is used for orders created directly in
Sales Order Entry or through the OE Full Order
Maintenance SXAPI program. If you use the Default Approval Type business rule
to set the initial approval type for orders created through the SXAPI program,
the approval type from the business rule is honored. If you use operational hold codes, informs you when a sales order is saved with a credit hold code ('h') applied to the order. The oe-credhold event is used only for orders that are created directly in Sales Order Entry. This event captures order header information. You can view hold codes in Sales Credit Release Inquiry. |
oeetfinish* |
oe-credholdnonstk | OE Credit Hold-With Non Stock Line Item | Informs you when a sales order is created that is not approved and there is at least one line item that is a nonstock product. This can occur for various reasons, such as credit limit checking and credit hold logic. | oeetfinish* |
oe-deleteord | OE Delete an Order | Informs you when a sales order is deleted. This event captures order header information. | oeetdelete |
oe-earlyship | OE Early Ship | Informs you when a sales order has been shipped early. The event is triggered when the promised date is greater than the shipped date during Sales Entry Shipping Feedback Report. This event captures sales order header information. | oeesship |
oe-firstordforcust | OE First Order for a Customer | Occurs when a new sales order is created and the order is the only non-canceled sales order in the system for that customer with a blank ship to. This event runs from Sales Order Entry order finish routine and captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-firstordforcust | OE First Order for a Customer | Informs you when a new sales order is created and there are no other non-canceled sales orders in the system for that customer number. | oeetfinish* |
oe-firstordforshpto | OE First Order for a Ship To | Informs you when a sales order is created and there is not another non-canceled sales order on file for that customer and ship to. This event runs from the Sales Order Entry order finish routine and captures order Header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-firstordforshpto | OE First Order for a Ship To | Informs you when a new sales order is created and there are no other non-canceled sales orders in the system for that customer ship to. | oeetfinish* |
oe-hdrpromisedtchg | OE Hdr Level Chgs-Promise Date | Informs you when the promise date for a sales order has been changed. This event captures order header information. | oeet-hdrchange* |
oe-hdrreqshipdtchg | OE Hdr Level Chgs-Req Ship Date | Informs you when the Requested Ship date for a sales order has been changed. This event captures order header information. | oeet-hdrchange* |
oe-hdrtermsfromcust | OE Hdr Level Chgs-Terms From Custom | Informs you when a sales order has terms that are different from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-inbndfrtneeded | OE Inbound Freight Amount Not Entered | Informs you when a sales order that has been through the pick ticket print has required in-bound freight. Activating this event prevents you from shipping the order in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. This event runs from Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report and captures order header information. | oepicktickets* |
oe-internationalhold | OE International Hold | Informs you when a sales order is created that is not approved for international shipping, that is, the International Approval Type field is not Y. This can occur when the country is for a country outside of the company's country. This event runs from the OE order finish routine when the international approval status changes and the event captures OE header (OEEH) information. | oeet-intlhold |
oe-invshipnote | OE Shipping Notification | Sends the Shipment BOD to ION to trigger the generation of an electronic shipping notification for sales order shipment or order invoicing. | oeepishipnote |
oe-invexcptns | OE Invoice Processing Exceptions | Informs you when a sales order is printed on the Exception Report during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. This event captures order header information and the exception description. | oeepi-excptns* |
oe-lateship | OE Late Ship | Informs you when a sales order has been shipped late. The event is triggered when the promised date is less than the shipped date during Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. This event captures order header information. | oeesship |
oe-lncandeltiedpo | OE Can/Delete With PO Still There | Informs you when a line is canceled or deleted at the line level and the line is tied to a purchase order. | oeetlcandeltiedpo |
oe-lncandeltiewt | OE Can/Delete Line With WT Still There | Informs you when a line is canceled or deleted at the line level and the line is tied to a warehouse transfer. | oeetlcandeltiewt |
oe-lndnrnotie | OE No Tie For DNR Short Ship | Informs you when a Do Not Order item is entered and the quantity available is less than the quantity ordered, but no WT tie is created, and the line is not back ordered. | oeetlt |
oe-lnnsnotieqty | OE Non Stock No Tie / Force Ship | Informs you when a nonstock line item is force shipped in Sales Order Entry or Sales Entry Shipping Feedback and there is no tie to a source document. This trigger also exists for VA Order Entry and Transfer Entry. | oeetlt |
oe-maint-custpo | OE Change Customer PO | Informs you when a customer's purchase order has been changed using the Maintain Customer PO# function in Sales Order Entry. Set the event to trigger based on the Taken By, Salesrep, or invoiced Stage. | oecustpo |
oe-marginhold | OE Order Margin Hold | If you use operational hold codes, informs you when a sales order is placed on hold because the order exceeds the margin amount limit for the operator. | oeetfinish* |
oe-marginlim | OE Margin Limit Exceeded | Informs you when a sales order line item that exceeds the minimum or maximum margin is going to be created. This event runs from the sales order line during margin checking. This event captures order header and line item information. Because this event can occur before the sales order line item is actually created, the captured data is for the line item that is about to be created. | oeetmarg |
oe-maxqtyreach | OE PDSP Maximum Quantity Reached | Informs you when the maximum quantity of a PD Pricing Setup record has been reached on a sales order line. This happens when the pricing record has a soft maximum, the maximum has been reached and the pricing record was still used. This event runs from the Sales Order Entry line update routine and captures both order header (OEEH) and order line item (OEEL) information. | oeetlt |
oe-nonstock | OE Nonstock Line Item Created | Informs you when a nonstock product is entered on a sales order line item during add or change mode. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-nonstocknosrce | OE Nonstock Line Item No Sourcing Info | Informs you when a nonstock line item is entered without the vendor number or product line. It is difficult to select a line item on a Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report without sourcing information. This event captures both order header and line item information, and shows a blank ARP Vendor # and ARP Product Line in the notification. | oeetlt |
oe-nonstockretn | OE Nonstock Line Item Return | Informs you when a nonstock line item is entered as a return during add or change mode. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-nonstockrevinv | OE Non Stock Review For Inventory | Informs you when you select the Review For Inventory option on the Non Stock page in Sales Order Entry. After your buyer or inventory manager receives notification, the nonstock product can be converted to regular inventory and included in their regular review of products for replenishment. | oeetlt |
oe-openrm | OE line (RM/CR) tied to open RM line | Informs you when a Return Merchandise or Correction order line is created and tied to an original order line that is also tied to an existing open RM line. This event runs from the sales order line item update routine and capture both header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-ordertype-all | OE Order Created | Informs you when any type of order is created in Sales Order Entry. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-bl | OE Blanket Created | Informs you when an Blanket Order (BL) sales order is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-br | OE Blanket Release Order Created | Informs you when a Blanket Release (BR) is initially created. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-cr | OE Correction Order Created | Informs you when a Correction (CR) order is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-cs | OE Counter Sale Order Created | Informs you when a Counter Sale (CS) order is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-do | OE Direct Order Created | Informs you when a Direct Order (DO) is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-fo | OE Future Order Created | Informs you when a Future Order (FO) is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-qu | OE Quote Order Created | Informs you when a Quote Order (QU) is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish |
oe-ordertype-rm | OE Return Merchandise Order Created | Informs you when a Return Merchandise (RM) order is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-so | OE Stock Order Created | Informs you when a Stock Order (SO) is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-ordertype-st | OE Standing Order Created | Informs you when a Standing Order (ST) is created. This event only occurs during add mode. This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-overship | OE Over Ship | Informs you when the new stock quantity shipped is greater than the original stock quantity shipped during Sales Entry Shipping Feedback Report. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeeslu |
oe-potiecrtd | OE and PO Tie Notification | Notifies the sales representative when a tie is created to a purchase order, so the sales representative does not have to manually verify that the tie was created. The tie is necessary so the material is ordered and allocated to the correct order when the order is received. Setting the event to email notification of the purchase order tie to the buyer relays information that can potentially expedite the purchase order, reduce paperwork, and so on. This event does not include the purchase orders created by the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report process. | oepotiecreated |
oe-priceover | OE Price Override | Informs you when the price on a sales order line item stock product has been overridden. This event captures both order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-promisedpd | OE Promise Date Past Due | Informs you when an order is 30 days past the promise date and again at 60 days past due. When the event is triggered, the FTC notification setting is set. | oerf-promisepd* |
oe-reprintdlvtck | OE Reprint a Delivery Document | Informs you when sales order is printed more than once through Sales Entry Delivery Document Print. This event runs from Sales Entry Delivery Document Print and captures sales order header (OEEH) information. | oedeliverydoc |
oe-reprintpcktck | OE Reprint a Pick Ticket | Informs you when a sales order is printed more than once in Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report. This event captures order header information. | oepicktickets* |
oe-returnshold | OE Return Order Hold | If you use operational hold codes, informs you when a return merchandise sales order is created and then placed on hold, based on the approval code for returns. The approval code is set up in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. | oeetfinish* |
oe-rushline | OE Rush Line Item Created | Informs you when a Rush stock line item is created. This event runs from the Sales Order Entry line item update routine and captures both order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-shippedorder | OE Shipped an Order | Informs you when a sales order is shipped, regardless of the promise date. This event captures order header information. | oeesship |
oe-shipqtyover | OE Shipped Quantity Overridden | Informs you when the quantity shipped is overridden when a sales order line item is entered. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-shortship | OE Short Ship | Informs you when the new stock quantity shipped is less than the original stock quantity shipped during Sales Entry Shipping Feedback Report. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeeslu |
oe-sicstageupdate | OE SIC Stage Update | Informs you when a sales order encounters an error during the SX.api SICStageUpdate call and captures order header information. | oesicstageupdate |
oe-signaturecapture | OE Signature Capture - Cancel |
This event is to inform when an order is updated to shipped and Signature was required but canceled with Authorization Point Security to allow shipping the order without a signature. This event runs from Sales Order Entry and Sales Shipping Feedback Entry and captures sales order header (OEEH) information. |
oe-signaturecapture |
oe-special-line | OE Special Order Line Item | Informs you when a special order line item is created in add mode. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-specialretn | OE Special Line Item Return | Informs you when a special order line item is created as a return line item. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-stock-line | OE Stock Line Item | Informs you when a Stock Order line item is created in add mode. Be careful when activating this event because the event will occur on most Sales Order Entry line items. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-stockout | OE Inventory Stock Out |
Informs you when a sales order line is created that results in an inventory stock out. Since there may be inventory on order, this event occurs if the following conditions exist:
oeetlt |
oe-stockretn | OE Stock Line Item Return | Informs you when a Stock Order line item is created as a return line item. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-tiedorderline | OE Line Item Has a Tie | Informs you when a sales order line item is entered and has an order (PO, WT, VA, WO) tied to it. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-unavail | OE Return to Unavailable Inventory | Informs you when a return line item has been created with the return type of unavailable inventory or partial unavailable inventory. This event captures order header and line item information. | oeetlt |
oe-unshippedorder | OE Unshipped an Order | Informs you when a sales order has been unshipped. | oeesunship |
oe-wlebshold | OE Customer Return TWL Hold | If you use operational hold codes, informs you when a return merchandise sales order is created and then placed on hold, based on the approval code for customer returns for TWL orders. The approval code is set up in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options. | oeetfinish* |
oe-wttiecrtd | OE and WT Tie Notification | Notifies the sales rep when a tie is created to a warehouse transfer, so the sales rep does not have to manually verify that the tie was created. The tie is necessary so the material is ordered and allocated to the correct order when the order is received. Setting the event to email notification of the warehouse transfer tie to the buyer relays information that can potentially expedite the transfer, reduce paperwork, and so on. This event does not include the warehouse transfers created by the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report process. | oepotiecreated |
oe-xmlorder | OE Order Created From XML | Informs you when a sales order is created using SX.api. These orders are created from an inbound XML document and have xml in the source position field (oeeh.sourcepros). This event captures order header information. | oeetfinish* |
oe-zerohold | OE Order Zero Ship TWL Hold | If you use operational hold codes, informs you when a sales order is created, on which no products were shipped, is placed on hold based on the approve type for zero shipped orders. The approval code is set up in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options. | oeetfinish* |
po-cancelord | PO Cancel a Purchase Order | Informs you when a purchase order is canceled. This event captures purchase order header information. | poetcancel |
po-deleteord | PO Delete a Purchase Order | Informs you when a purchase order is deleted. This event captures PO header information. | poetdelete |
po-earlyrcv | PO Early Receiving | Informs you when a purchase order is received early. This event captures PO header and line item information. Be careful when activating this event because the event occurs at the PO line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given purchase order selected. | poeiu |
po-hdrtermsfromvend | PO Hdr Level Chgs-Terms From Vendor | Informs you when a purchase order is created with terms that differ from the Vendor Setup record. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-latercv | PO Late Receiving | Informs you when a purchase order is received late. This event captures PO header and line item information. Use caution when activating this event because the event occurs at the PO line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given purchase order selected. | poeiu |
po-ltnotie | PO Expedite Report No OE Tie | Informs you when a purchase order is late and is selected by the Purchase Expedite Report. This event finds late purchase orders not tied to a sales order. This event captures PO header and line item information. | porbxltnotie |
po-ltoetie | PO Expedite Report OE Tie | Informs you when a purchase order is late and is selected by the Purchase Expedite Report. This event finds late purchase orders that are tied to a sales order. This event captures PO header, PO line item, and sales order header information. | porbxltoetie |
po-minbuynotreached | PO Minimum Buy Amount not Reached | Informs you when a purchase order is created with a minimum buy amount less than the amount specified in Product Line Setup. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-nonarpproduct | PO Non-ARP Product Entered | Informs you when a PO line item is created with a product that does not follow the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP). This event captures PO header and line item information. | poetl |
po-noprice | PO No Price Entered | Informs you when a PO line item is created with a zero price. This event captures PO header and line item information. | poetl |
po-onhold | PO Placed on Approval Hold | Informs you when a purchase order is created or updated and saved with a hold status. This event is also triggered when the approval type changes from hold to non-hold, or non-hold to hold. This check is not performed for Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) purchase orders. | poetfinish |
po-ordertype-bl | PO Blanket Type Entered Need Followup | Informs you when a Blanket (BL) purchase order is created. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-ordertype-do | PO Direct Type Entered Need Followup | Informs you when a Direct Order (DO) purchase order is created. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-ordertype-po | PO Regular Type Entered Need Followup | Informs you when a regular purchase order (PO) is created. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-ordertype-rm | PO RM Type Entered Need Followup | Informs you when a Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order is created. This event captures PO header information. | poetfinish |
po-overrcv | PO Over Received | Informs you when the new stock quantity received is greater than the stock quantity ordered. This event captures PO header and line item information. | poeiu |
po-prttiedoeonhold | PO Print-Tied OE Order on Hold | Informs you when a purchase order is printed that is tied to a sales order that is on hold (not approved). This event captures PO header information. | poprint |
po-prttiedvaonhold | PO Print-Tied VA Order on Hold | Informs you when a purchase order is printed that is tied to a Value Add work order that is on hold (not approved). This event captures PO header information. | poprint |
po-rcvanyline | PO Receiving of Any Line Item | Informs you when any PO line is received regardless of vendor. | poeiu |
po rcvleadtmexcptn | PO Receiving Lead Time Exception | Informs you when any line item on a purchase order is received and a lead time exception has occurred. This event runs from the Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry final update routine and captures the PO header (POEH), PO line item (POEL) and Product Administration Exception Center exception (ICAMUE) information. | poeiexceptions |
Po rcvsafetyexcptn | PO Receiving Safety Exception | Informs you when any line item on a purchase order is received and a safety exception has occurred. This event runs from the Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry final update routine and captures the PO header (POEH), PO line item (POEL) and Product Administration Exception Center exception (ICAMUE) information. | poeiexceptions |
po-rcvnonstock | PO Receive a Non Stock Product | Informs you when a nonstock product is received. This event runs from Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry final update and captures both the PO header and PO line item information. | poeiu |
po-rcvunavail | PO Receive Into Unavailable Inventory | Informs you when a purchase order is received into unavailable inventory. This event captures PO header and line item information. | poeiu |
po-shortrcv | PO Short Received | Informs you when the new stock quantity received is less than the stock quantity ordered and the stock quantity received is not zero. This event captures PO header and line item information. | poeiu |
po-vendsub | PO Vendor Product Substituted | Informs you when the product for a given purchase order is changed, based on a vendor substitute product. This event captures PO header and line item information. | poeiu |
sa-jrnlopen | SA - Track Open Journal | Informs the specified users when the SA Open Journal Assignment
Report has found an open journal within the specified report
criteria. Additionally, the event is triggered to search for open journals before disconnecting the operator in these scenarios:
sar-jrnlopen |
sa-saarrptstatus | SAAR Report Status | Informs you when the SA Administrator Re-Encryption Report has started and when the report has stopped. This event runs from SA Administrator Re-Encryption Report and is used to notify your system administrator when the encryption is complete. If the report does not complete, the report must be re-run. | saar-rptstatus |
sa-rptfinish | SA Report is Finished | Informs you when a given report is complete. This event captures information from the report instance (SAPB) record. | rptctl |
sa-rptopenerror | SA Print to File Error Event | Informs you when the report printer name is set up incorrectly and causes the report output to go to the rptmgr.err log file. This event runs from the report control program and captures information from the report instance (SAPB) record. | prpctl-openerror |
sw dfltjbtyddact | SW Default Job Type Actl Delv Dt Chg | Informs you when the actual delivery date is changed for a Service Warranty order that has a job type that is defined in SA Administrator Options. This event runs from the SW Scheduling Entry routine and captures SW header (SWEH) information. | swetsched |
sw dfltjbtyddsch | SW Default Job Type Sch Delv Dt Chg | Informs you when the scheduled delivery date is changed for an SW order that has a job type that is defined in SA Administrator Options. This event runs from the SW Scheduling Entry routine and captures SW header (SWEH) information. | swetsched |
sw dfltjbtyinao | SW Default Job Type in SWAO | Informs you when an SW order is created that has a job type that is defined in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Service Warranty. This event only occurs during add mode, not change mode, to reduce the number of event notifications. This event runs from the SW order finish routine and captures SW header (SWEH) information. | swetfinish |
sw dfltjbtyinaofp | SW Default Job Ty in AO Floor Plan Cust | Informs you when an SW order is created that has a job type that is defined in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Service Warranty and the sales order is for a floor plan customer. This event only occurs during add mode, not change mode, to reduce the number of event notifications. This event runs from the SW order finish routine and captures SW header (SWEH) information. | swetfinish |
sw dfltjbtyinaowbo | SW Default Job Type in SWAO W Bos | Informs you when a sales order is created that has at least one line item that is back ordered and an SW order has been created. The SW order has the job type that is defined in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Service Warranty. This event runs from the Sales Order Entry finish routine and captures order header (OEEH) information and the SW order #. | oeetfinish* |
sw warrjbtyexpdt | SW Warranty Job Type Expired Warr Dt | Informs you when an SW order is created that has a job type that is a Warranty charge code type and the SW line item's warranty expiration date has expired. This event runs from the SW line item create or update routine and captures SW header (SWEH) and SW line item (SWEL) information. | swetlineupdt |
va-lnnsnotieqty | VA Section Non Stock No Tie/Force Ship | Informs you when a Value Add section nonstock line item is modified such that the quantity of the nonstock on the line is force shipped. That is, the nonstock line item is not tied to an order, the quantity shipped for the nonstock is greater than zero, and the available quantity for the nonstock is less than what is to be shipped. | vaet-sectionupdt |
wl-adjusterror | WL Adjustment Set In Error | Informs you when a WLET Adjust Inventory Set is created in error, or the processing of the set in WL Entry Batch Adjust Inventory Report results in an error. This event captures information from the WLET record. | wletfinish-adj |
wl-receiveerror | WL Receiving Set In Error | Informs you when a WLET Receiving Set is created in error, or the processing of the set in WL Entry Batch Receiving Report results in an error. This event captures information from the WLET record. | wletfinish-rcv |
wl-shiperror | WL Shipping Set In Error | Informs you when a WLET Shipping Set is created in error, or the processing of the set in WL Entry Batch Shipping Report results in an error. This event captures information from the WLET record. | wletfinish-shp |
wt-bofillallocrpt | WT Backorder Fill Allocation Report | Informs you when a warehouse transfer is filled by the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report process. This event will capture warehouse transfer header and line information. | oeepb-allocrpt |
wt-cancelord | WT Cancel a Warehouse Transfer | Informs you when a WT order is canceled. This event captures WT header information. | wtetcancel |
wt-deleteord | WT Delete a Warehouse Transfer | Informs you when a WT order is deleted. This event captures WT header information. | wtetdelete |
wt-earlyrcv | WT Early Receiving | Informs you when a warehouse transfer is received with a due date greater than the received date. This event captures WT header and line item information. Use caution when activating this event because the event occurs at the WT line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given WT selected. | wteiu |
wt-earlyship | WT Early Ship | Informs you when the due date is greater than the system on a shipped warehouse transfer. This event captures WT header and line item information. Use caution when activating this event because the event occurs at the WT line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given WT selected. | wtesu |
wt-exceptionstage | WT Exception Stage After Receiving | Informs you when a WT order is received and is in exception stage. This event captures WT header information. | wteiu-end |
wt-latercv | WT Late Receiving | Informs you when a warehouse transfer is received with the due date less than the received date. This event captures WT header and line item information. Use caution when activating this event because the event occurs at the WT line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given WT selected. | wteiu |
wt-lateship | WT Late Ship | Informs you when the due date is less than the system date on a shipped warehouse transfer. This event captures WT header and line item information. Use caution when activating this event because the event occurs at the WT line item level and it would be possible to have all line items for a given WT selected. | wtesu |
wt-lnnsnotieqty | WT Non Stock No Tie / Force Ship | Informs you when a WT nonstock line item is modified such that the quantity of the nonstock being shipped on the line is force shipped. That is, the WT nonstock line does not have a tie to a PO, OE, VA order, the quantity shipped for the nonstock product is greater than zero, and the available quantity for the nonstock is less than what is to be shipped. | wtetlt |
wt-nonarpproduct | WT Non-ARP Product / Surplus Product | Informs you when a warehouse transfer is entered with a product that has a different Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) or the quantity entered exceeds the surplus level for that product. This event captures WT header and line item information. | Wtetlt |
wt-ordertype-do | WT Create a New DO Type Order | Informs you when a new WT order of type DO is created. This event runs from the WT order creation routine and captures WT header (WTEH) information. | wtetordcrt |
wt-ordertype-wt | WT Create a New WT Type Order | Informs you when a new WT order of type WT is created. This event runs from the WT order creation routine and captures WT header (WTEH) information. | wtetordcrt |
wt-overrcv | WT Over Received | Informs you when the new stock quantity received is greater than the stock quantity shipped on a WT line item. This event captures WT header and line item information. | wteiu |
wt-overship | WT Over Ship | Informs you when the new stock qty shipped is greater than the stock qty ordered and is not zero on a shipped WT line item. This event captures WT header and line item information. | wtesu |
wt-shortrcv | WT Short Received | Informs you when the new stock quantity received is less than the stock quantity shipped and is not zero. This event captures WT header and WT line item information. | wteiu |
wt-shortship | WT Short Ship | Informs you when the new stock quantity shipped is less than the stock quantity ordered and is not zero on a shipped WT line item. This event captures WT header and line item information. | wtesu |
wt-stockout | WT Stockout |
Informs you when a Stock WT line item is created that resulted in an inventory stock out. Since there may be inventory on order, this event occurs if the following conditions exist:
This event runs from the WT line item update routine and captures WT header (WTEH) and WT line item (WTEL) information. |
wtetlt |
* Header-level triggers calculate margin and margin percent according to the SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing Event Manager Trigger: Calculate OE Header Margin Based On option. The option determines if Event Manager uses ordered totals exclusively to calculate margin or the system uses the Sales Order Entry method to calculate margin based on ordered or shipped totals and order-specific factors.