Blocking creation of tokens
During sales order entry, you can allow an operator to create credit card and ACH tokens for a customer “on the fly.” You can allow this creation when you set up credit card defaults.
You can also prevent the creation of tokens at the company and customer level. Use this setting if your company meets these criteria:
- Does not want to store tokens at all
- Uses a miscellaneous customer account that you do not want to store tokens for
- Does not want to store tokens for specific customers or shiptos.
This list summarizes the levels at which you can block credit card creation:
- Block token creation at the company level in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. In the Credit Card Processing section, select Block ALL Card Creation.
- Block token creation at the customer level in Customer Setup-Ordering. In the Payment section, select Block Credit Card Creation.
- Block token creation at the shipto level in Customer ShipTo Setup-Ordering. In the Payment section, select Block Credit Card Creation.
If you block token creation at the company level, you cannot create new tokens, and therefore, in Customer Credit Card Setup and Sales Order Entry, the option to add a new card will be unavailable. If you allow token creation at the company level, but block new tokens for a specific customer or shipto, the option to add a new card will be unavailable for that specific customer. Blocking at the customer level does not block all shiptos automatically; each ShipTo may be blocked or allowed by the shipto settings.
If you change this setting from allowing new tokens to blocking new tokens, any existing tokens are not affected and are retained. This setting does not affect One Time Sale or One Time ACH transactions.
If you block credit card creation in SA Administrator Options, the Modify Tokenized Card setting in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-OE Entry Options is ignored.