Inactive product record removal
The SA Administration Inactive Product Removal Report inactivates products and then removes the products records and any attached records. Perform this function annually.
An exception report can be produced that details the number of products inactive prior to the report generation, the number of products with no activity, the number of product records inactivated, the number of product records deleted from the database, and the total number of exceptions encountered.
Products are deleted only if their status in Product Setup is inactive, their balances in Product Warehouse Product Setup are zero, and the Delete Inactive Products? option is set to Yes. If these conditions are met, these records are deleted:
- Product Setup
- Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup
- Product Warehouse Product Setup
- Product Warehouse Product Setup– Usage
- Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup
- Product Extended Lot Number Setup
- Product Extended Serial Number Setup
- Product Entry Transactions
- Product Entry Transactions – Lot transaction file
- Product Entry Transactions – Serial number transaction file
- Product Maintain Balance Entry
- PD Pricing Setup – Customer Pricing
- PD Pricing Setup – Rebates
- KP Component Setup
- SM Setup Warehouse/Product Totals - Sales Manager Setup records are created in Distribution SX.e graphical interface (GUI) only
- SM Setup Extended Totals Warehouse/Product by Customer
- SM Setup Extended Totals Hazardous
- SA Setup Change Balances
You might want to run the SA Administration Inactive Product Removal Report twice. First run the report with the Delete Inactive Products option set to No and the Inactivate Products with No Activityoption set to Yes. Run the report again with the Delete Inactive Products option set to Yes.