Enabling the integration for tax interface

Only when you are ready to go live with the integration, specify the information in SA Administration-Administrator Options.

For Sovos GTD, you must configure the attributes before enabling the integration.

For AvaTax, you must map AvaTax tax codes to records, validate addresses, and verify data flow before enabling the integration.

For Vertex Cloud, you must configure the Vertex connections for OAuth2, map tax codes to records, validate addresses, and verify data flow before enabling the integration.

See the appropriate integration guide for the tax interface you are integrating.

  1. Select System Administrator > Administration > Administrator Options and select Integrations > Tax Interface Options.
  2. In the Tax Interface Company Settings section, specify this information:
    Note: The values for these fields are provided by your AvaTax, or Sovos GTD, or Vertex Cloud representative.
    • For AvaTax:
    Tax Organization Name
    Specify the Company Code as defined in the AvaTax Administrator console.
    Service URL
    Specify the URL of the AvaTax application. For example, https://<tenant>-rest.example.com/api/v2/. All REST API calls and JSON objects use this URL for requests and responses.
    Web Service User Name
    Specify the user name set up for the AvaTax Web service.
    Web Service User Password
    Specify the user password set up for the AvaTax Web service.
    • For Sovos GTD:
    Tax Organization Name
    Specify the organization code as defined in Sovos GTD.
    Service URL
    Specify the URL of the Sovos GTD application. Typically, the URL is https://sstwsuat.sovos.net:7443/gtd/api/rest/.
    Web Service User Name
    Specify the user name set up for the Sovos GTD Web service. All Web service calls will use this name. This is also defined in Sovos GTD as the User ID.
    Web Service User Password
    Specify the user password set up for the Sovos GTD Web service.
    Tax Application Version #
    Optionally, specify the Sovos GTD version number.
    Hosted Web Service Security Key
    Specify this key to use the Sovos GTD-Hosted Edition integration.
    • For Vertex Cloud:
      Tax Organization Name
      Specify the Company Code as defined in the Vertex Cloud administrator portal.
      Service URL
      Specify the Service URL of the Vertex Cloud application. For example: https://restconnect.vertexsmb.com/vertex-restapi/v1/. This URL is provided by Vertex upon purchase. All REST API calls and JSON objects use this URL for requests and responses.
      Web Service User Name
      Specify the API Key value displayed in the Vertex Cloud administrator portal, in Settings-My Connectors.
      Web Service User Password
      Specify the API Password value displayed in the Vertex Cloud administrator portal, in Settings-My Connectors.
      Application Integration Endpoint
      Select the Application Name as specified in SA Application Integration Endpoint.
  3. Click Save.
    For AvaTax, immediately when you click Save, a validation runs and a message is displayed: Connection to AvaTax <version> established with interface settings. The integration is now live.