Credit card payment types
- Prior to setting up payment types, you must set up the credit card processor(s) in SA Credit Card Processor Setup and create a Tendering G/L Account to correspond with each payment type, inGL Account Setup.
- If you intend to set up a payment type that will be associated with a Customer Setup A/R control account number, then, before proceeding, verify the Customer Setup record is created. In other words, if you are going to set up a payment type in SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type Extended, with the option Post to A/R at Invoicing selected, you will be asked to provide the customer number in the Credit Card A/R Account # field. This customer account should be created expressly for the purpose of tracking A/R postings for a specific payment type.
- You can set up payment types that are either tied to one bank account or more than one bank account. The setup varies depending upon which method you use. We recommend that you use one method or the other.
Optionally, for each credit card payment type, you can specify an estimated Payment Type-Addon amount or percentage. This amount, such as for shipping costs, is added to the order total and is only included when the transaction is authorized. This is only an estimate of the expected addon amount, and creates a buffer for the credit card authorization to cover the eventual total.
After shipping and invoice processing, the amount is adjusted to match the actual addon. This field is only intended to estimate minor changes and adjustments to the order; for example, addons, freight, shipping charge. This addon should not be used to cover large adjustments that would create a new transaction, such as line fill, backorder suffix creation, and fill.
The value you specify in this field can be overridden in Sales Order Entry if you have selected the Allow Override of Additional Auth option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process.
Credit card payment types, set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, cannot be deleted if the type is tied to an active Customer Credit Card Setup record. An error message is displayed notifying you that the payment type is in use and has at least one customer credit card record assigned.
- Some fields are not available, if not applicable, based on other payment type
- If you have not licensed the Credit Card Interface, these options are not available: Payment Type is a Credit Card, Payment Type is ACH, Payment Type is Credit ACH.
- The Processor field is not available if you have not selected one of these options: Payment Type is a Credit Card, Payment Type is ACH, Payment Type is Credit ACH.
- The Edit Type field, and the Prompts section, are not available unless this option is selected: Payment Type is a Credit Card.
- The Additional Information section is not available unless one of these options is selected: Payment Type is a Credit Card, Payment Type is ACH. The fields in this section do not apply to Payment Type is Credit ACH.
- A payment type cannot be both credit card and ACH.
- If you select Payment Type is a Credit Card, these options are not available: Payment Type is ACH, Payment Type is Credit ACH.
- If you select Payment Type is ACH, the Payment Type is a Credit Card option is not available. This option is unaffected: Payment Type is Credit ACH.
- If you select Payment Type is Credit ACH, these options are not available: Payment Type is a Credit Card, Payment Type is ACH.