Setting up a credit card payment type tied to more than one bank account
Use SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type to set up different types of credit cards and to define how your company processes each type.
This allows Distribution SX.e to a) receive the validation response from the credit card processor, b) validate that the payment type in the response matches the type specified in the record, c) update or correct the payment type in the record, and d) communicate the accurate transaction data to General Ledger and Accounts Receivable.
To properly set up payment types tied to more than one bank account, you must:
- Create a Tendering G/L Account to correspond with each credit card payment type in GL Account Setup.
- Create a payment type for each card type you accept, for example, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover.
- Create an "exception"
payment type to capture any payment type exceptions during validation. For example,
create a CenPOS XCP (exception) payment type.
Similar to a suspense account, if an exception is occurs, a hierarchy is used to find valid payment types. If one cannot be found, then a message Warning! Card Type does not exist for Processor! Contact System Administrator to update Payment Type and Correct GL Distribution is displayed. The entry is posted to the XCP account. You must manually adjust it to the correct account. The XCP account should be periodically reviewed and steps taken to prevent the exception from recurring.