User-defined fields
Use the User Fields options in SA Administrator Options-System to add customized fields to setup and entry functions. You can add up to nine user-defined fields (UDFs) for each functional area, including five text fields, two numerical fields, and two date fields.
The data specified in UDFs is saved to standard database tables. The functional area you select when creating UDFs determines the table in which the data is saved. For example, if you select Customer, the data is saved to the ARSC table. If you select Order Entry Header, the data is saved to the OEEH table. The data is informational only. Distribution SX.e cannot perform any actions based on the data without further customization.
A UDF is displayed in the Custom view or section, or User Fields section, of setup and inquiry functions. For example:
- UDFs created for Customer are displayed in the Custom view of Customer Setup and Customer Inquiry.
- UDFs created for Sales Order Entry line are displayed in the Custom section for a line on the Line Detail view of Sales Order Inquiry.
- UDFs created for the Product Restrictions Certificate/License are displayed in the User Field section of Product Certification/License Setup.
Add UDFs created for entry functions, such Sales Order Entry Header and Sales Order Entry-Line Detail, to the entry function using the Personalization feature. If you do not add them to the entry function, they are still displayed in other functions. For example, if you create UDFs for Sales Order Entry-Line Detail, but do not add the fields to Sales Order Entry, the UDFs are still displayed in Sales Order Inquiry.
User 1 and User 2 are used as the field labels on the User fields 1 and 2, and are included on standard master list reports for primary entities such as customer, vendor, and product. The default label for each field is used. For example, Customer Master List Report show them as User 1 and User 2, not the labels you specify.
Some user fields can be included in BODs. For example, User Fields 1-24 in Customer Setup-Custom can be included on the CustomerPartyMaster BOD if you set them up as Extra Fields in SA Administrator ION Noun Setup.
See the Distribution SX.e Outbound BOD Mapping and Descriptions for detailed information about each supported BOD.