Setting up a credit card payment type tied to one bank account
Use SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type to set up different types of credit cards and to define how your company processes each type.
- Select System Administrator > Setup > Table Code Value.
- In Table List, select Payment Type.
- Click New.
- In Type, specify a two-digit number. The number must be unique. The maximum number of payment types is 99.
- In Description, specify a descriptive name for the credit card payment type. For example, CenPOS Visa.
- Click Save.
In the Required section, specify this information:
- Overpayment Refund Type
Use this field to specify how an overpayment should be refunded when processing credit (including credit cards). The list is populated from all the records that have previously been defined for the Payment Type. In most cases, the overpayment refund type will be the same as the initial payment type. However, there may be instances where you want to refund in cash or by check, rather than the initial payment type.
If you are assigning the same payment type, then leave this field blank. After you save the record, you can return to select the new payment type from the Overpayment Refund Type field.
- Bank
Use this field to select the bank where your credit card deposits will be deposited. You might have all of your deposits go to one bank, or you might have deposits for a specific card, such as American Express, go to a different bank. The list is populated from CR Bank Setup.
- Payment Type is a Credit Card
Select this option. If you do not select this option, standard Distribution SX.e tendering occurs, instead of the credit card processor tendering.
- In the Credit Card section, select the appropriate Processor from the list. This is the processor type set up in SA Credit Card Processor Setup.
In Edit
Type, select Do Not Perform Validation.
This enables Distribution SX.e to verify that the number entered during Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment is a valid card number for the type selected. The selection does not affect validation by the credit card processor. The credit cad processor validates that all cards entered that have valid card numbers.
In the Additional Information section, in the
Tendering G/L Account
field, specify or look up the general ledger account number.
This specifies the account you previously created that holds all credit card transactions posted during Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment. This transaction is backed out during invoice processing.
We recommend that you create a separate Tendering G/L Account for credit card tendering.
- In Addon, specify an addon amount or percentage.
Addon Type, select either
Percentage, to select an add-on percentage, or
Amount, to select a flat amount.
This amount (such as shipping costs) is added to the order total and is included when the transaction is authorized. This is an estimate of the expected addon amount. After shipping and invoice processing, the amount is adjusted to match the actual addon.
Select Post to A/R at
Invoicing to create an Accounts Receivable transaction for the credit
card company.
- If you select this option, a Credit Card A/R Account # customer number is required. This reverses the original transaction made at tendering, but posts the offset to the A/R account for the credit card customer. The process creates an open Customer Transaction Entry transaction for the credit card customer’s account. This transaction is then processed through normal cash receipts when the cash is received from the credit card company.
- Clear this option if you want a transaction for the credit card to be posted to Cash at invoicing. The bank account specified in the Bank field is used.
- If you selected the Post to A/R at Invoicing option, specify the A/R customer number in the Credit Card A/R Account # field.
Days Allowed for B/O
Authorization, specify the number of days before an authorization
When a back order occurs and the authorization has expired, a new authorization is initiated. This information is determined by bank rules and the credit card company. Typically, authorizations expire on the 7th day. We recommend setting this value at 6 or 7 to ensure funds are held.
If the order is put on hold because the credit card authorization has expired, the order displays on the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report exception report with an “A” hold, indicating a hold from the back order processing. The order displays in Sales Credit Release Inquiry and is automatically picked up for reauthorization by invoice processing. Reauthorization cannot occur by filling the order manually.
Distribution SX.e does not manage the expiration date, the credit card processor does. Therefore, ensure the authorization days allowed does not exceed the credit card’s expiration date. For example, a card could expire in 2 days, but your authorization exists for 7 days. Contact your credit card processor to determine their expiration period.
- Click Save.