Automatic purchase order repricing
If a vendor charges a different price for products on direct purchase orders, you can automatically reprice direct purchase orders that are created in Sales Order Entry. The recalculation is based on a positive or negative reprice percentage that you specify on Vendor Setup records.
Use this feature to prevent manual updates that would otherwise be required during receiving and costing
Each line item on a direct PO is automatically repriced unless one of these criteria is met:
- The Exclude from Auto Vendor Reprice option is selected on the product's Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record.
- The line is not for resale.
- The line item is one of these types of products:
- Nonstock without a Product Catalog Setup record
- Labor
- Implied core
- Tally
When a direct PO is created in Sales Order Entry for a vendor with an auto repricing percentage, the percentage is recorded at the header level. As you add lines to the direct PO, the eligible lines are automatically repriced. You do not receive notification of the price change.
If a line is repriced, the internal price override flag is selected. You cannot view the flag in application, but it is included on the Purchase Order Master List Report.
If a vendor charges a different price for other reasons, such as a rush order, you can manually reprice eligible lines in these functions:
- Purchase Order Entry
The default value of the vendor's automatic reprice percentage is displayed on the Purchase Order Settings page. You can change the percentage before you apply it to the order. You can reprice the order only one time. You cannot revert to the original pricing after you repriced the order unless you take one of these actions:
- Cancel the original order and then re-enter the order.
- Copy the original order and select the Reprice option.
If you add a line to the order after repricing is applied to the order, you must manually reprice the line at the line level.
After you apply the auto reprice percentage, it is displayed as read-only value. Additionally, the Auto Vendor Repriced option is selected to indicate that the order was repriced.
- Purchase Demand Center Entry
On the Header tab for a report, you can change the default value of the vendor's automatic reprice percentage. To apply the reprice percentage to the resulting purchase orders, select the Auto Vendor Reprice option. Because the repricing is applied during the merge process, you can change the auto vendor reprice settings until the Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report is run.
If you change the vendor in Purchase Demand Center Entry, the auto vendor reprice values are updated for the new vendor.
If you consolidate reports based on product lines or warehouses, reports that are auto vendor repriced can only be combined with other reports that were repriced at the same percentage. If a report cannot be consolidated because of auto vendor repricing, Reprice % is displayed in the Reason column in the Combine Inquiry grid.
If an order was repriced, it is annotated on the Header tab in Purchase Order Inquiry. The reprice percentage is also displayed.
Purchase orders that are automatically repriced generate the Sync PurchaseOrder BOD. SX.API calls that update or retrieve information from these functions also include auto vendor reprice information:
- Vendor Setup
- Product Setup
- Product Special Price/Cost Setup
- Purchase Order Entry-Header
Feature activation
To activate this feature, select the Allow Auto Vendor Reprice option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults. Then, perform these setups:
- Specify the automatic reprice percentage on Vendor Setup records.
- Flag stock and nonstock products for exclusion on Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup records.
Fields that are related to this feature are displayed in the user interface only if the feature is activated. These data conversion reports do include fields that are related to the feature, even if the feature is not activated:
- Data Conv Vendor Convert APSV Vendors
- Data Conv Inventory Convert Products ICSP & ICSS
- Data Conv Inventory Convert Catalog ICSC
- Data Conv PO Convert Open Headers