Product qualifications
After all product lines have been qualified to show on the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report (PO RRAR), each product belonging to the selected product lines must be qualified as well.
- A product that qualifies for the report, has been superseded, and has back-ordered or demand quantities on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record shows on the report. A determination has to be made to fill the back ordered or demand orders.
- If a product is a special, non-stock, or order-as-needed product from a suspended Counter Sale (CS), Stock Order (SO), or Direct Order (DO), that product does not show on the report. The product exception message prints: The Order Qty was Decreased by the Quantity Ordered for Suspended Special Orders.
- If a product is an order-as-needed kit component, and a full product line review is performed, that product is included on the PO RRAR. The recommended quantity to order is determined by adding the back-ordered and the demand quantities. The quantity On Hand, On Order, and Received minus the Reserved and Committed quantities is subtracted from this sum. All quantities as a result of special lines are also removed. The product shows on the report if the resulting quantity is greater than zero. No rounding for standard pack and buying unit is done, but a message notifies you if the product was qualified to rounded. If you run the report for special, non-stock, and rush lines only, the order point or line point is ignored.
- If a customer does not accept back orders, and the product the customer orders is not in stock at the time the order is placed, the order becomes lost business. If the lost business reason used on the order is set up in SA Table Code Value Setup to update usage, this may qualify the product for review. Usage is also updated if an order's shipped quantity is less than ordered, and the Backorder option was set to No.
- PD Pricing Setup is checked to verify if a discount record exists for the product. If a discount record does exist, Quantity Break is displayed next to the product. If a discount record does not exist, the replacement or last cost is used. The cost used depends on the setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults. In the PO Entry section, the setting is either Use Last Cost During Entry or Use Replacement Cost During Entry.
- If a PO RRAR is created from a Sales Order Entry transaction, the replacement or last cost is also used as the default, unless the price is overridden in Sales Order Entry. In this case, the override cost is used.
- If the product or product line is seasonal, the seasonal dates are used to determine the recommended order quantity. If the product is seasonal, the product takes precedence over the seasonal dates stored on the product line.
- If a product is seasonal and is out of season, the recommended order quantity is the out-of-season order quantity calculated in Product Administration Month End Processing Report.
- You can include do-not-reorder products on your report. If the product's status is do-not-reorder, DNR is displayed in the Quantity Ordered field on the PO RRAR. Because of the status of the product, a purchasing decision must be made to place the item on a purchase order.
- If products with unavailable inventory quantities are marked for inspection, those unavailable amounts are included in the on-hand balances. This ensures you do not order more inventory than is required.
- The PO RRAR report is alphabetically sorted by regular stocked products, then non-stocked products, then special order products.