Refreshing the PO RRAR
If a Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report (PO RRAR) is more than a few days old, you can refresh the information so your decisions can be made based on current data. Two refresh options are available in the Purchase Demand Center Entry: Full Refresh and Refresh Documents.
The Full Refresh option generates a brand new report instance. This option retains the same report number and header data, but the rest of the information is refreshed. Use this option if, for example, you have been making changes in the report lines and decide to start over. The full refresh enables you ignore any changes you have made. You can also select new report options during the refresh.
To refresh multiple PO RRARs, you can select one or more reports to refresh. Access Refresh Documents from . However, be aware that all of the reports selected will be refreshed with the options specified in the refresh Report Options, regardless of the options that were set when each report was originally generated. As a default, the values for the options in the first report selected in the list are used by default. So, to maintain control over the report options during a refresh, you should select reports individually.