Copying a purchase order to a RM purchase order

You can return damaged or defective product received from your vendors. Return the product in a Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order, which updates the inventory records and the vendor account balance. An entire shipment can be damaged or defective, due to a crate being dropped or a defective part being used. If you must return all or the majority of the items on a purchase order, to save time, you can copy the original purchase order to an RM order and adjust the order as needed.

  1. Select Purchase > Entry > Purchase Order.
  2. Click Copy.
  3. In Purchase Order #, specify the number of the purchase order you want to copy.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the New Purchase Order Information section, retain the existing information or make changes. You can also select from these options:
    • Save Original Quote (available if you are copying a quote)
    • Copy Notes
    • Copy Comments
    • Copy NCNR (non-cancellable - non-returnable)
    • Reprice

    From this page you can make changes to the new purchase order.

  6. Click Submit. The message is displayed: Copy completed successfully. New Purchase Order # <00000000>. Make note of the purchase order number in the message.
  7. The copy process is complete. Begin the return process.
  8. In Initiate, specify a vendor number and ship to warehouse.
  9. In the Purchase Order Type field, select Return Merchandise.
  10. Complete the remaining fields, and click Next.
  11. In Return Adjust Reason, select an appropriate reason.
  12. In Invoice #, specify the invoice number to apply a credit to a specific invoice in accounts payable for this RM purchase order. To create a miscellaneous credit, ensure this field is blank.
  13. Click Submit.
  14. In Select Products, click Advanced Line Entry.
  15. Specify the product being returned, and verify or modify the Quantity, Line Type, Unit, and Price.
  16. Specify the Unavailable Reason.
  17. In the Extended view, specify dates, if appropriate.
  18. Click Update.
  19. Select the Review & Totals view, or click Finish to complete the return.