Automatically receiving a Direct Order PO
Direct order (DO) purchase orders (PO) that are tied to sales orders can be automatically received when they are costed in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.
To receive direct purchase orders, you must select the Receive DO PO option when the final update is performed in these functions:
- Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report
When the purchase order is received, these actions can occur if the setup requirements are met:
- Freight and handling addon charges from the vendor’s invoice are applied to the customer’s order, if the addon charges are within tolerances.
- The ship date specified in the Ship Date for Tied Order field updates the header ship date on the direct sales order. If you enter an invoice manually, you can specify the ship date. If the invoice was received electronically, the TiedOEShipDate value in the Process SupplierInvoice BOD or sxapiAPInvoiceImport call updates the Ship Date for Tied Order.
- If the number of allocated serial numbers for a PO line matches the invoice, the invoice is processed and Product Extended Serial Number Setup records are created. The serial numbers can be received on an inbound EDI 810 Invoice document, or entered manually.
- If the purchase order contains lot products, you must enter lot numbers for the products on the PO in the Lot Entry window in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.
DO PO auto receiving is prevented if the DO PO is on hold. When you perform the final update, the approval code is validated. If the DO PO is on hold, this error occurs: Cannot Process, Order is Not Approved (5846).
DO PO auto receiving may be prevented if the corresponding invoice is out of tolerance with the invoice reconciliation tolerance settings in SA Administrator Options-Vendor-Receiving or Vendor Setup-Reconcile. Check your selection for the Check Invoice Tolerances Before Receiving option in SA Administrator Options-Vendor-Receiving. If this option is selected, the total costed amount is checked to ensure it is within tolerances defined in the Tolerances for Batch Reconcile section in SA Administrator Options-Vendor-Receiving or Vendor Setup. If it is not within tolerances, the DO PO is not received and the AP invoice is not costed.
These instructions describe the steps to follow if you use the Vendor Invoice Center Entry-Final Update option to update and reconcile vendor invoices.