Correcting an over or under receipt

An over-receipt error occurs when you post a quantity of a product in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry that is more than you physically received in the warehouse. An under-receipt error occurs when you post less of a product.

For example, as warehouse personnel begin to set aside quantities for back orders and put remaining quantities on the shelf, they notice that put-away quantities on Receiving Report does not match the physical quantities, and that an error has been made entering the quantity during receiving.

Before performing corrections, ensure these prerequisites have been completed:

  • To correct a purchase order, the operator must have correct security. Select Yes in the Allow PO Receiving Corrections field in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-Other Entry Options.
  • To prevent receiving errors from occurring, we recommend that you select Yes in the Verify Changes to PO/WT in Receiving field SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-Other Entry Options. The operator is then notified when a value on a line item is changed to a value that does not match the corresponding value in the purchase order. This warning is displayed: Discrepancy From PO. Please Verify Changes Made. The operator must acknowledge the notification to continue.
  • Set up a return reason for this type of correction. Set up a Return Adjust Reason in SA Table Code Value Setup that is specific to correcting purchase order receiving. For example, PO Receiving Correction. Then, select that reason from the Receipt Correction Return Reason field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults.

Use these instructions to correct quantities:

  1. Select Purchase > Entry > Receipt of Inventory.
  2. Conduct a search using these values:
    Specify the warehouse from the original purchase order.
    Specify the vendor from the original purchase order.
    Select Received Costed (PO Correction).
    Transaction Type
    Select Purchase Order.
  3. In the grid, drill down on the original purchase order.
  4. Click OK to open the journal
  5. Click Yes when this message is displayed: This Purchase Order Has Already Been Received. Would you like to Correct It?
  6. Specify the quantity received in the Quantity Received field in the grid on the Line Items tab on the Purchase Order Details page.

    If appropriate, you can select one or more line items, and click Actions > Set Qty Received to Qty Ordered.

  7. Click Submit.
    You can use the Notes context application in Infor Ming.le to create a Secured note attached to this corrected PO receipt. You can explain the over- or under-receipt and, if applicable, recommend that the Accounts Payable clerk cost the original purchase order and purchase order suffix together.
  8. In the grid, verify that same purchase order selected and click Final Update.
  9. On the Final Update page, select the appropriate printers, select For Any corrections Adjust Back Orders, and then click OK.