Setting up business rules for external pricing updates

The templates for the business rules are included in SA Table Code Value Setup in standard Distribution SX.e. The description on the template, which you can change, is the name of the rule in SA Business Rule Setup. The Rule values in the instructions are the default values from standard Distribution SX.e.

The business rules are not required.

  1. Select System Administrator > Setup > Business Rule.
  2. Set up the Default Pricing Start rule.
    1. Click New.
    2. Select Company Wide.
    3. Specify this information:
      Specify the company to which the rule applies.
      Specify SXAPI.
      Specify Default Pricing Start Date to Current Date.
      Rule Value
      Specify Yes.
    4. Click Save.
  3. Set up the Default Pricing End rule.
    1. Click New.
    2. Select Company Wide.
    3. Specify this information:
      Specify the company to which the rule applies.
      Specify SXAPI.
      Specify Default Pricing End Date Number of Days.
      Rule Value
      Specify the number of days that the pricing record is effective. The end date is the value that you specify plus the start date. Values between 0-999 are valid. If you specify 0, the end date is the same as the start date.
    4. Click Save.
  4. Set up the Allow Multiple Prices rule.
    1. Click New.
    2. Select Company Wide.
    3. Specify this information:
      Specify the company to which the rule applies.
      Specify SXAPI.
      Specify Allow Multiple Price Records (yes/no).
      Rule Value
      Specify Yes.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Set up the Default Price Sheet End rule.
    1. Click New.
    2. Select Company Wide.
    3. Specify this information:
      Specify the company to which the rule applies.
      Specify SXAPI.
      Specify Default Price Sheet End Days.
      Rule Value
      Specify the number of days that the pricing sheet is effective. The end date is the value that you specify plus the start date. Values between 0-999 are valid. If you specify 0, the end date is the same as the start date.
    4. Click Save.