Hard system price
When you enter a stocked product on a line in Sales Order Entry, the price is calculated by the system and the Price field is updated with the system price. This system price is based on the standard pricing hierarchy established in PD Pricing Setup. The pricing routine first checks for any promotional pricing that may be in effect, and, if there is, compares that to the pricing levels in PD Pricing Setup to find the lowest price for the customer. If no promotional records are found, the pricing routine starts with PD Pricing Setup type 1 and works down to type 8, extracting the system price from the first valid record found.
If the customer service representative (CSR) has security to do so, they can override the amount in the Price field. To lock the system price, you can select Hard System Price on the PD Pricing Setup record. If the CSR attempts to override the Price, Discount, or Discount Type on the line, this message is displayed: System Price Override Not Allowed - Hard Price Set (PDSP).
Access to the Price field, and the ability to override the hard system price are controlled by these SA Operator Setup-Entry Options:
- Select Yes for the Allow Override of Hard System Price setting in Entry Overrides to allow the operator to override the system price on a sales order line even if Hard System Price in PD Pricing Setup is selected.
- Select Allow Entry for the Price/Discount Info setting in OE/PO Entry Options to allow access to the Price field in Sales Order Entry.
If CSRs are permitted access to the Price field, you can capture the original price data on sales order lines to analyze any price changes that affect sales margins. Select Calculate and Save System Price in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.