National Program foreign currency
Existing standard Distribution SX.e functionality assumes transaction prices for both sales orders and vendor invoices and credits are entered in the customer and vendor currencies when defined in Customer and Vendor setups. When sales orders are invoiced and AP transactions are processed, General Ledger posting amounts are converted by the system to the base [domestic] currency of the system. The exchange rates used to convert the currencies are noted on transactions. National Program functionality follows this same functionality, except for sales inquiry and reporting functions.
OE Correction (CR) claim orders are created in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report for National Program lines. These orders are created using the currency defined in the National Program Claim Account in the Customer Setup record. Line item prices on claims are determined using standard Distribution SX.e pricing based on the National Program Claim Account customer number. Ensure PD Pricing Setup is setup using the appropriate currency.
For the Vendor [Manufacturer], the Vendor Setup record and the associated National Program Claim Account in the Customer Setup record must be set to use the same currency to avoid rounding issues related to currency conversions.
Vendor credit and invoices related to National Program claims are assumed to be entered, manually or through EDI, in the vendor currency defined in Vendor Setup. General Ledger posting amounts are converted by the system to the base [domestic] currency of the system. The exchange rates used to convert the currencies are noted on transactions
EDI Tolerance Validation
Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report Inbound EDI810 Processing changes include functionality that compares claim payments to the original submissions, and suspends transactions that are outside tolerances. This logic handles foreign currencies in this manner:
If vendor specific tolerances are defined in Vendor Setup, the original OE Correction (CR) claim order amounts will be converted to the same currency as the AP vendor, if necessary, for the comparison.
If vendor specific tolerances are not defined in Vendor Setup, the AP invoice and credit and OE Correction (CR) claim order amounts will be converted to the base currency, as necessary, to compare to tolerances defined in SA Administrator Options settings.
Sales and Margin Reporting
Sales and margin reporting changes for National Program functionality include scenarios where revenue associated with National Program line items on Customer [Dealer] orders will be the accumulated values of the Customer [Dealer] line and the associated lines on the OE Correction (CR) claim order.
There may be instances where National Program lines are sold to a Customer [Dealer] that uses a different currency than the National Program Vendor [Manufacturer]. In these cases, when the system combines revenues are combined by the system from these orders, the OE Correction (CR) claim order selling amounts are converted to Customer [Dealer] currencies before combining the amounts.