National Program document printing
National Program related data is included in the format 3 document print streams for these documents:
- Sales Consolidated Invoice Report
- Sales Demand Invoices Report
- Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
- Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report
- Sales Entry Print Delivery Document Report
- Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgements Report
- Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report
Data to add to the streams:
- Header data for claims in listed sales invoice documents [OEEPI, OERD,
- National Program Claim Account flag, if selected in Customer Setup, is displayed as a ‘y’ on claims. [ARSC.npclaimacctfl]
- Vendor [Manufacturer] claim number [PDENH.npclaimno]
- Customer [Dealer] order number [PDENH.origordnerno]
- Customer [Dealer] account number with Vendor [Manufacturer] [EDSV.venddorid – customer type]
- Vendor [Manufacturer] identifier for Distributor warehouse [EDSV.vendorid-warehouse type]
- Line data for claims in listed invoice documents [OEEPI, OERD, OERC]:
- Line type [ICSP.statustype]: is ‘l’ for the labor product representing commission
- Line data for Customer [Dealer] orders in all documents listed:
- National Program flag [oeel.npfl]
- National Program Code [pdsn.npcd]
- Build-on-demand kit component data in Customer [Dealer] orders in all
documents listed:
- National Program component [oeelk.npfl]
- National Program Code [pdsn.npcd]
The data stream changes listed are only applied to those documents that currently generate the indicated streams. For example, data is added to BOD kit component streams only in those documents that currently print kit component information.
Modify your UnForm scripts to process these fields. No special processing for National Program line items has been added to document print programs, other than adding fields to the format 3 data streams as described.